Too Wild?

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I woke up the next day, with my face turned to Taehyung. Our bodies were pressed together, and his face was right in front of mine. I blushed as I remembered what had happened the night before, and I realized how silly I had acted. I slowly removed myself, from Taehyung's sleeping body. I knew his parents would be back while we were at his vocal lesson, and I was kind of happy that we had the house to ourselves. I sneaked into the kitchen. and made breakfast for me and Taehyung. I made tea and scrambled some eggs with some sausages.

When I was done setting the table, I walked back into Taehyung's room. I sat down beside him on the bed and started playing with his messy hair. I was completely mesmerized as I watched his peaceful face, while I slowly ran my hand through his hair. I sat there for a while, when suddenly. Tae yelled loudly and pulled me down on the bed. I screamed at the sudden sound, and movement and Taehyung laughed happily.

"Taehyung!" I whined as I felt my heart stop for a moment. He tightened his grip for a second and sat up on the bed. "Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked with a sheepish grin. I lightly hit his chest while rolling my eyes. "You should be nice to your girlfriend! She made you breakfast." I said while acting like I was offended. "Really?! Thank you Jagi!" He said as he jumped up from the bed and happily skipped into the dining room.

I sighed as he left me alone in the bed. But I couldn't help but smile. Tae was kind of known as the guy who had the mental age of a 3-year-old and honestly I couldn't help but agree on that. I rolled my eyes again and followed Tae into the dining room. He was sitting at the table but was yet to touch the food. He was sipping at the still hot tea and his face lit up as soon as he saw me. I mean, how could you be mad at that?

I smiled back at him and sat at the table. I started eating the eggs and he began soon after, I made enough for 3 people because I knew Tae always ate so much, especially after starting as a trainee. While we ate Taehyung was happily eating while talking with his mouth full of food. He talked about the food tasted amazing and that he was excited for today because I was coming to the vocal lesson with him.

I couldn't help but laugh as he couldn't sit still on the chair for more than a minute at the time before he had to change his position. He was quiet for a moment, he was taking a breath to keep talking, but I cut him off. "You really are a child you know that?" I laughed. He looked at me with a confused expression for a moment before pouting like a child. " Why would you say that jagi?" He whined while furrowing his eyebrows together.

I laughed and I finished my plate. I waited a few minutes for him to finish, he was eating more than me and with his mouth constantly busy talking he found it hard to have time to eat as well. I could feel this huge grin on my lips the whole time. He finished eating and he helped me with the dishes.

He was washing them while I was drying them off. He accidentally splashed some water on me. "Yah, be careful!" I sighed and tried drying my shirt off. I looked at him and he was standing with an evil smile. My eyes widen for a moment. "DON'T YOU DARE," I said but it was too late. Taehyung held his hands in a cup from under the still running water and threw the water on me. I let out a squeal and he laughed. "Oh, you shouldn't have done that." I laughed and I threw some water on him as well.

It ended off with us running around the entire house pouring water over each other. I couldn't help but think that there was water all over the floor but honestly at that moment I didn't care. I had taken a glass of water and was now running after Taehyung with the glass. He was faster than me so I chased him around for a good minute before he turned around while running and gave me a mocking laugh.

He failed to see the chair, and he ran almost directly into it. The chair fell and Taehyung was about to fall too. But then for a moment, it looked like he would be able to stay standing, but the floor was slippery from the water and he fell directly on his behind.

All of that happened so fast I didn't have time to stop my running. I really tried but again, the floor was slippery and I fell right on top of Taehyung. He was sitting up but didn't have time to react to me falling on top of him and I landed hands first on his chest which caused his upper body to fall back and hit the floor. Somewhere I had let go of the glass the water rained over both of our body's and the glass hit the ground right beside us, shattering into many pieces.

I instantly got off Taehyung and looked to see if he was hurt. He sat up so he was resting on his arms and he was pale. He didn't breathe and I knew that the air was knocked out of him. I pulled him up so he was sitting up and I gently rubbed him on the back. A few seconds later he inhaled deeply and he looked at me with a relieved look. I smiled at him and looked around the dining room.

There was water all over the wooden floor and the glass had flown back quite a bit and it was basically everywhere. The chair had fallen down right beside me and Taehyung. And we were of course drenched from head to toe. Our Pj's was sticking to our body's and so was our hair. My eyes widen and I looked a Tae.

He was also looking around the room, and soon he looked at me. Almost at the same time, we started to laugh, we laughed so hard that tears were rolling down both of our cheeks. When we finally calmed down we sat in silence for a few minutes. We were just looking at each other smiling. I reached up to my cheek to wipe away a tear and Tae stared at me in shock. "What is it?" I asked. He was quickly by my side and he grabbed my hand and turned it around.

On the palm of my hand, there was a small cut, there was running a little drop of blood down my hand. Taehyung looked intense at it and slowly ran his fingers over the wound. "You cut yourself on the glass, the piece is still in there." He said while standing up. He pulled me zig- zag through the glass shards on the floor and got us into safety in the kitchen. He grabbed a little first aid kit, and a pair of tweezers. "give me your hand." He said. "Taehyung! It's just a small cut, no need to go into nurse mode" I said with a laugh. "Besides we should get the floor dry before it sinks into the wood.." He shock his head. "No, this is more important than the floor." He said in a surprisingly stern voice.

He stepped forward and grabbed my hand and put it on the counter. He tried to get the piece out for a while. It hurt a little bit, and I could've done it by myself but I just let him do it. He finally got the piece out and he looked at me with a proud smile. "Why didn't you tell me about the cut?" He asked. "It was so small! I didn't even notice.." I said. "How did you notice?" He took a piece of paper and poured a bit of water on it before wiping my cheek. "When you wiped your cheek there came blood on your cheek." He said and sent me a wide smile.

I smiled back. "Sorry for falling on top of you," I said while he started cleaning the cut. "Sorry for being so clumsy," He said. We both chuckled lightly, and he put a band aid on my hand. "There! All done" He said. "Now quick! Let's clean up and change clothes or we'll be late to the vocal lesson." I said and ran ( carefully ) into the hallway where I knew they kept a broom. Taehyung started wiping the floor in the kitchen while I tried to sweep all the pieces of glass.

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