Zodiac Facts

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Aries: hates you,but loves you

Taurus: Lazy,but will do anything for that money

Gemini: fake,but super sweet

Cancer: smiling,but depressed      --D,:--

Leo: Thinks they're right,but they're really wrong

Virgo: prude,but really wants someone to rip their clothes off ~~Bitch I think the fuck not. What kind of fuckery is this. I will like to keep my clothes thank you very flippin-burgers on a Tuesday- much. I-never mind. Too much of a boring rant~~

Libra: harsh,but supportive

Scorpio: angry,but protective

Sagittarius: mean,but always kidding

Capricorn: nice,but judgmental

Aquarius: silly,but very intelligent 

Pisces: friendly,but secretly wants to murder you ~~shadow_owl-13 what D,:~~

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