A few days later.

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Jonathan's P.O.V

It's been a few days since me and Evan started dating. We haven't told anyone yet, but it's not because we are scared we just haven't gotten the time and place to do it. Although the thought of my dad knowing scares me. Well even tho I haven't been home since I saw my dad with that bitch so there's not much to worry about. I miss my mom I don't know where she is maybe I'll go  by my house for a bit. I got pulled out of my thoughts by the phone call I was reviving. I pick up my phone off my desk and pick up.

"Hey Jon" Evan says from the other side. I smiled hearing it was him.

" what's up evs" I respond along with a new nickname for him. He laughs lightly.

"So they guys are coming over later if you want to join us" he pauses for a bit " I know you don't really talk to people much, but I think you'll get along with them well" he stays quite waiting for an answer. Well to be honest it won't the first time talking to them and he seems to really want to to go.

"..umm yeah I'll go, umm what time"

"Like at 5"

"Alright see then"

"Okay 1 4 3"

"You still haven't told me what that means" I say with a bit of an annoyed tone. He then laughs.

"You'll find out one day well goodbye" he hung up. I look at the time as I set my phone down.

I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I couldn't wait to see Evan and maybe make some friends I think to myself. Hopefully they like me. I get out of the shower and change in to my black jeans and black shirt. I head down stairs to look for my shoes. When I finally did I slide then on and tie them.

●•●•●•●•● time skip ●•●•●•●•●

Evan's P.O.V.

As I was done getting ready I hear a knock at my door, I grab my phone and head downstairs to see who it is. As the door opens I see the person I see the person I love the most Jonathan. I'm so glad he came.

"What are you doing just standing there come in" i tell him as I step aside to let him in.

"Thanks so how have you been?" He say while stepping in. We haven't seen each other in 2 days since I didn't go to school on Friday.

"I've been good but I missed you" I say as I hug him from behind.

"I missed you too." He slips out of the hug and then faces me. His faces was still a light shade of pink. To be honest I'm glad he doesn't wear his mask anymore I love seeing his face.

"Welp come on let's go watch tv or something while we wait for the other's" I say as I head to the living room with jon following me.

We sit down and decide to watch Invader Zim. I feel something rest on my shoulder and see it's jon, he looks so cute watching the tv show soon I hear a knock and get up to go open the door.

"Hey what's up Evan ready to have fun" I hear Tyler say as soon as I open the door.

"You know it" I reply I then see Craig coming with bags of chips and dips. "Yo you're the hook up Craig"

"I know I am" he smirks as he walks in. Right when I was about to close the door I hear a high pitched voice yell.

"Wait we're here don't close it" I open the door to see lui and marcel running towards my house.

"Sorry didn't see you guys."

"Sure Evan sure" marcel say as he enters.

We all headed to my living room but then they all stood still.

"Umm Evan who's that" Craig's points to jon. Jon turns around hearing the voice

"Everyone I'll like you to meet Jonathan my boyfriend, yes some of you guys all ready know him. The only thing new is that he is mine" I see jon blush red.

"Hey guys" he waves.

"Omg Jonathan this is actually you I've been waiting to see your face since freshman year" lui yells going up to him.

"So Evan seems like you're more happy now" I hear Tyler say.

"You know it he's all I need" i reply while looking at jon.

3rd person P.O.V.

As time went on the group of boys played all types of games from call of duty to uno and what not. All having fun not having a single care of what's going on out side that house. Jonathan the one that was so worried of Evan's friends not liking him. Was actually becoming friends with all of them.


Hey guys skit or adri here that's all I have for now. I'll try to get a new chapter out as soon as possible thank you all for the support and views. Peace

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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