She was the famous Howard Stark's younger sister. To everyone she was just a pretty face with an angelic voice. No one knew that she was more than that, except him. He knew that she was such more than that.
James Buchanan Barnes saw more than a pret...
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"Hiya Steven, are you feeling?" I greeted him as he came in with Agent Carter. "Nicolette," Peggy nodded at me heading over to where Colonel Phillips was. "Peggy," I nodded back. Has much has I admire her bravery and not giving a damn what people think about her. She is still a pain in the neck.
"Um, did I miss something? Wait-hey your eyes just went from brown to orange redish to brown again," Steve examined trying to get a better look at my eyes. Fixing my bangs to hide my eyes I said,"Steve, I'll tell you when this is all over until then I need you to take off your shirt." I started laughing when Steve's eyes widen. I had to explain that he needed to take his shirt off for the experiment, which calmed him a little from his nervousness. Aw, Steve is such an innocent cinnamon roll.
"Miss. Stark, how are your levels looking?" I heard Abraham ask. Looking down at the levels I nodded,"They are at one hundred percent Doc. It's a go," I exclaimed, joining Howard at the platform. "Wonderful," he nodded. "Although, we may dim half of the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready, as we will ever be," Howard reassured Erskine.
"Agent Carter I am sure it is more comfortable in the booth," Dr. Erskine said fixing his glasses. "Ah, yes of course," I watched has Peggy walked towards the stairs to the booth and smirked when she looked back at Steve with concern before heading up. "Looks like your boy got himself a girl," Howard whispered down at me. I looked at him,"Shut up, before I throw you into the wall again," and walked over to stand next to Dr. Erskine. Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Can you hear me, is this on?" I laughed, but covered it with a cough as Abraham looked back at me with a stern look, but smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen," the Doctor looked back up beginning,"Today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path of peace."
I turned to watched the nurses connect Steve to the machine. Oh, this better work. If not well, lets just say this may be a stupid thing that Bucky told Steve to not do. "We begin with series of microinjections into the subjects major muscles groups," I looked up at Peggy who just sat down,"The serum infusion and will cause immediate cellular change and then to stimulate growth. The subject will be saturted with vita rays." Abraham finished and handed the microphone to another nurse and walked out to Steve as I walked over to Howard at await the countdown to begin.
"Serum fusion beginning in five, four (Thump), three (Thump Thump)," Thump Thump. Oh I can't watch, but I couldn't look away. I had to make sure all goes well. "Now Mr.Stark," Abraham nodded at Howard. I watched as the machine lifted closing in on Steve and Dr. Erskine making sure Steve was okay.
"We will proceed," he looked over to Howard and I. Howard handed me protective glasses and started to turn the wheel," That's 10 percent," lights came from the machine "20 percent, 30," the lights became brighter, "That's 40 percent," I looked over at his vitals,"Vital signs are normal," I examined. "That's 50 percent, 60, 70-" I held in a breathe as Steve starts to scream louder and louder.
"SHUT IT DOWN," Peggy yelled from the railing. "Kill the reaction Mr. Stark," "HOWARD STOP IT!" Dr. Erskine and I said at once looking over at Howard. Before he could kill it,"NO, Don't I can do this," Steve yelled. "80, 90, thats 100 percent," my eyes widened as Howard examined the percentage power. I watched as sparks came from machines all over and the lights brighten, but soon dimmed out. It was done and complete success.
Howard and Abraham helped Steve out of the machine and was greeted by a certain Agent british brunette,"How do you feel?"
"Taller," I heard Steve reply trying to catch his breath. I smiled at the pair, maybe she will be good to him. He deserves someone like Peggy. I walked over to Howard and congratulated him.
What happened next, moved in slow motion. One minute we smiling at the success, next Howard was covering me as glass flew everywhere from above. "Stop him!" Abraham yelled pointing at the man holding a vial of the serum in hand. Before anyone could do anything, pop pop. "NO," Steve and I yelled as we watched the men who believed in Steve and myself to help end this war. Before, he hit the floor Steve caught him. I kneeled beside him, tears streaming down my face and watched has Abraham pointed at my chest where my heart is and forehead for my brain, then looked at Steve and pointed at his chest and took his last breath.
I was pulled away by Howard who held me as I cried,"He's gone," I whispered as I gripped on to his shirt. Too busy crying, I didn't notice Peggy and Steve going after the man who shot Dr. Erskine.