HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! (Well late new year lol)
Well in Australia it is a late new year because it is already 9:27pm
Skyler's P.O.V
I woke up and the bed was empty. I looked around the bedroom and Cameron was nowhere to be seen. I saw on his pillow there was a note. It read 'hey babe I know you are reading this now but don't worry I have just gone out to get you and me some food, P.S everyone has gone out and they took Zoey with them because she didn't want to stay home
Love you always, your sweet fiancé Cameron'
I rolled out of bed and got dressed in one of Cameron's hoodies and a pair of Nike sports pants. I walked downstairs and the dogs were running around the back playing. The sun was shining and the birds were whistling. I opened all of the blinds and realised today was Halloween. I called Cameron
Me- babe its Halloween after breakfast we need to get everything ready
Cam- ok babe I gotta go I will see you in 2 minutes
Me- ok babe bye
I walked around the house for 2 minutes and Cameron walked in with his arms full of burger king, Starbucks and McDonalds "ok I got breakfast for us and there should be a surprise for you in the bag in the car" he said "ok but let's eat breakfast first" I said grabbing the bags from him and helping him. We ate breakfast "ok now you need to look in the bag in the car please" he said "ok babe show me the way." I said grabbing his hand. We walked into the garage and I opened his car door and looked in, there was a huge teddy in there and it was blue and had chocolates all around it "there is a bag on the floor as well" he said "ok" I sad grabbing it and looking in it, it had more chocolate and had lollies and cookies and cakes "now you have to look in the boot" he said "ok cool" I said walking over to the boot. I opened it and a Halloween costume was in there and there were more Halloween lollies "wow this is amazing babe" I said hugging him "ok now you have to wait for your other surprise now, you will get it tomorrow. And those lollies in the boot are for you to eat" he said hugging me. I hugged him back and grabbed everything and put it all inside. "ok now lets watch scary movies until everyone gets here" I said tunning into the lounge room.
5 hours have passed and we are still watching scary movies but I'm getting bored "babe I'm getting bored lets go swimming" I said getting up "ok let's go" he said walking outside. I just decided to put on a bikini top and I jumped in the pool when I was dressed. We swam for 2 hours and I was craving mac and cheese and some spaghetti so I got out of the pool and walked inside and started making everything. When everything was cooked I walked outside and put everything on the table "babe come and get some food" I called out "ok I'm coming" he said walking up to me. We sat down and at, soon later everyone had arrived back and we started to get ready for Halloween. "hey Zoey did you want to be a cat like me?" I asked as we walked into her room "yes please" she said "ok lets get you ready" I said grabbing her outfit and walking up to my bedroom.
When Zoey was ready I started to get ready. "ok now lets do your makeup now" I said grabbing my pencil and liquid eyeliner. When we both dressed and looking like cats we walked downstairs and everyone was ready. "ok lets go because the sun has just set and on the way we can get dinner." I said walking over to Cameron's we didn't have as many people in the car because Louise, Hayes, Jasmine and Taylor wanted to stay back and Nash had to go back to his home town because his mum needed him for something and Chris hasn't even come over yet. "ok lets get burger king for dinner ok" I said pulling up to burger king "hi can I please have 8 cheese burger meals with coke and kids cheese burger meal" I said into the thing "yeh would you like the adult meals in small, medium or large?" she asked "um can I have 6 of them in large and the other 2 in a medium please?" I asked "yeh sure, that will be $25.95" she said "cameron can you hand me my purse?" I asked "yeh sure here" he said handing me my purse "thanks" I said I pulled out a 50 dollar note and handed it to her. She handed me the change and the meals "ok everyone boys have the large meals and Mahogany and I have a medium meal and of course Zoey has the kids meal" I said handing the bag back to Mahogany to hand out. When everyone's meals were handed out I got my meal and started eating it. When everyone was finished we started to drive around so we can see what houses have decorations and stuff. "ok guys remember where we parked lets go" I said getting Zoey out of the car "ok lets go to the first house" I said grabbing all of our trick or treat bags to put our lollies in them. We walked up to the first house and they gave us each a big bowl full of lollies. We went house to house getting lollies "ok guys its 9:30 lets go home so I can put Zoey to sleep and check her candy so there isn't any blades in it or drugs and then we can trade lollies that we don't like for ones we like but I think most of us got the same lollies anyway." I said walking with the guys to the car. "ok is everyone in" I said after I buckled Zoey in and got in the car, I got a number of yesses "ok no eating the candy until we get home" I said looking at everyone in the review mirror. I laughed at all their faces because they were trying to make me feel bad.
We finally arrived home and it was already 10:30 "ok Zoey time to have a shower and then you can go to bed" I said getting her out of the car. I walked upstairs into my bathroom and started the bath for her and when it was ready I put her in and washed the makeup off her face and I washed her body. When she was done I dressed her and carried her downstairs and put her in bed and said goodnight "night Skyler, oh and can you get Cameron to come and read me a book please?" she asked "of course I can. I will be back" I said walking out and getting Cameron "babe Zoey wants you to read her a book and to say goodnight" I said tapping his shoulder "ok babe I will do it now" he said hugging me and walking into her room. He walked out 5 minutes later "ok Zoey is asleep" he said sitting next to me. "Oh and everyone else went to bed because they were really tired" I said hugging him. "Babe let's have a shower" I said getting up "ok" he said slapping my ass and walking upstairs.
We had a shower and when we got out we got dressed in a matching tracksuit "babe with that teddy you bought me do you mind if I put it in Dominic's room when her is born so he can have something that feels like a human next to him" I said grabbing the teddy "no I don't mind at all but don't you have to have the teddy near you while you sleep so that the baby can have your smell when it is born?" he asked "Yeh because I am the babies mum so her is going to have my smell when he comes out" I said laughing "oh ok cool" he said hugging me "lets watch a really scary movie" I said looking for one "or we could turn the fire place on and have hot chocolates and eat our chocolate." He said. "Yeh I like that. And we can also go swimming as well" I said getting up and turning all the backyard lights on and turning the pool light on "ok I will make the hot chocolates and can you run upstairs and get towels and togs" I said walking into the kitchen "but.." he started to say "no we are wearing togs" I said because I know what he was going to ask. He huffed and walked upstairs and 5 minutes later he walked down with the most revealing pair of togs he bought me. I laughed and handed him his hot chocolate and instead of sitting in front of the fire we just sat in the kitchen "babe but we already showered. This means if we go swimming we are going to have to shower again and I don't want too" I said washing my cup up "Yeh that's true" he said "how about I drive out to the lookout and we stop and get some ice cream, fries and a burger." I said looking at him "that would be amazing" he said "oh and lets go to a drive through movie theatre because they are cute" I said walking upstairs and getting on a pair of converse and my purse and phone. When I walked downstairs Cameron was waiting for me "can we pretty please take your car?" he asked with puppy dog eyes. "Of course we can and let me guess you want me to drive too?" I asked laughing while he nodded. "ok let's go then" I said locking the front door and opening the gate. We both got in the car and when we did Cameron instantly placed his hand on my thigh and just like every time he does that I melted inside. "ok babe lets get food" I said backing out of the garage and driving down the driveway. When we got food I drove up to the lookout and we looked at the city. I took many pictures, "ok babe lets go and look for a drive through movie place." I said about to get in the car. "ok but first I want to do this" he said and I stopped. He spun me around and grabbed my waist and kissed me really hard but it was full of passion and love. I kissed back wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.
We broke away from the kiss and we got in the car. "babe ive been thinking for the wedding I want to have a little girl to walk down the isle and through flowers where I will be walking, so I was wondering after Dominic is born did you want to try and have a girl when Dominic turns 4 but we don't have to we can have the wedding soon but we also need to start putting away money for it and I have to do PT to get back to my old size because you have to admit I looked damn fine when I was skinny" I said to Cameron "Yeh you looked damn fine and you still look damn fine but I know what you are saying but let's just see how much it is going to be then look at what we are going to do." He said squeezing my thigh in re assurance, "ok but I was just letting you know and how many kids did we want to have because 1 isn't enough" I said laughing "maybe 3 or 4 I'm not sure" he said laughing "ok cool" I said pulling into the movie place "look babe I don't want you to feel like we are rushing into things we need to save up and we can both do PT together with that mac fit dude on instagram" he said "yeh I know, and we aren't rushing into things at all we are doing the right thing talking about it now" I said hugging him "yeh I know" he said grabbing my face and kissing me "ok now lets watch the movie and cuddle in the tray so we can lay down" I said getting out of the car "ok cool" he said opening the try up and we laid in there and cuddled "babe I really love you" I said "I love you to but way more" he said kissing me "no don't say to because it makes it feel like you are just agreeing with what I say" I said kissing him "I love you way more baby, I love the way you look when you are concentrating, the way you smile and laugh, the way your beautiful blue eyes sparkle in the sun and in the moon light." He said kissing me "I love everything about you babe" I said to him because there was just too big of a list to say.
The movie was finished and we decided to leave now. I drove home with Cameron's hand in my thigh. When we got home we walked upstairs really quietly and we watched some Netflix. Halfway through the movie I felt Cameron's head fall onto my chest. I played with his hair and kissed his forehead and said goodnight. I turned the TV off and played with his hair as I fell asleep.