1. Cliffhangers be like

16 2 0

Writer: writing a story she turned the door handle with her heart in her chest. The door opened with creak. There she saw it. ..

Reader : Saw what? What did she see woman?!!!

Writer: end of story

Reader : What?!

Writer : read my next book to find out what happens to Jessica

Reader : ugh! Fine. I'll wait until the next book.

5 years later

Reader: OMG book 2 is out!

Writer: Jessica turned the door handle. Behind it ,was...

Reader : waiting anxiously

Writer : a tangerine


Writer : :-/

Reader: Flop you!

Writer: im sowyyy please buy my book on amzon..

Writer Problemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें