Chapter II

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Several hours later, my plane touched down in L.A. After getting through customs, I waited outside for Mark, basking in the warmth. Removing my sweater, I placed it on top of my luggage, and sat down on a nearby bench. I pulled out my vlog camera, and started recording.

" Ok, so I just finished going through security and shite. And good God, L.A. is beautiful.. I don't think I could stand living here, but it's nice to get a little sunlight... Right now, I'm waiting for Mark.. and I don't think he'll have much trouble finding me. I'm the palest person here," I said with a chuckle. "Oh, and the green hair.. but mostly the skin thing." I tried to come up with something else to say.. but nothing came to mind. I turned off my camera, and placed it back in my backpack. Once again, I got the feeling that I was being watched. I looked around, trying to hide my nervousness. No one was exactly staring at me.. A few passing glances or two, yeah; but this felt like a deep, penetrating stare. I leaned back against the bench, and tried to relax.

"Top of the morning to ya, Jack-y!!" a voice shouted from behind me, causing me to jump and fall off the bench, a scream escaping my mouth. I turned around to find Mark crouched behind the bench, laughing his ass off.

"Jeez, Mark!" I exclaimed, punching him in the shoulder. "Why'd you do that?"

"Well, I parked my car, and came to find you like I said I would, at this bench. When I found you, you were recording your vlog, and I thought it'd be funny to surprise you," he said, standing up, jumping over the bench. " Ah, come on, you're not mad..."

"Yes, I am," I said, avoiding his smug face. He tried to act hurt, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see him trying to suppress a smile. I too felt a smile creep onto my lips, and burst out laughing, causing him to laugh as well. "Ah, I can't stay mad at you," I said through my laughter.

"Wanna get going? People are starting to stare," Mark said, taking my suitcases. I took my backpack, and nodded.

"Yeah.. Two men with colorful hair laughing like morons outside of LAX..Seems suspicious," I joked. Mark chuckled, and led me to his car.


Mark opened the door to his house, and flicked on the lights. "Alright, you've been here enough times. The guest room is where it's always been. Oh, and we're supposed to be meeting the guys for dinner at five, so you've got a few hours to rest up," Mark said. "If you're not too tired, we could play games for a bit."

"Sounds good. I'll bring my stuff upstairs first," I said, grabbing my suitcases. I climbed up the stairs, and went to the guest room. Just as I put down my suitcases, I began to feel a dull throbbing pain in my head. I decided to ignore it, and was about to head downstairs, when I was hit by a wave of dizziness. I collapsed back into my bed, holding my head in my hands.

"What the hell.." I mumbled.

"You ok, Jack?" He called up the stairs.

"I'm fine," I called, my head hurting more and more by the second. I closed my eyes, and I soon drifted off to sleep.


"Jack, wake up.." Mark said, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, and realized my headache was gone. I looked over at the clock on the bedside table. 4:37.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mark.." I apologized, rubbing my eyes.

"Tired, were ya?" he asked jokingly. I nodded, getting to my feet carefully. I was no longer dizzy, either.

"Suppose so," I said, giving him a reassuring smile."I'll be ready to go in a few moments," I told him.

"Alright. Don't fall asleep again, alright?" he joked, closing the door as he left. I went to the guest bathroom, and splashed water on my face. I looked up in the mirror, and froze. I saw something behind me- a shadow, almost, with empty eyes. I spun around, my heart pounding. But nothing was there. I looked back in the mirror, and there was nothing. I sighed, and rubbed my face. What was going on?

"Coming, Jack?" Mark called up the stairs.

"Yeah, don't lose your pants.." I called back, grabbing my phone, and heading downstairs.

"You alright? You look like you just saw a ghost," Mark said, grabbing his keys.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, following him out of the house.

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