Jack's POV
It has been three weeks since I left Cheyann. It's been hell for me. I miss her so much. I am still staying at Jack's. He has been going over there everyday. He says that she never answers the door and she won't answer anyone's calls. I'm really getting worried. Right now I'm waiting for Jack to come back from her house. I just couldn't take my mind off her. He finally walked in holding an eviction notice and said that the house looks dark. I grabbed the eviction notice. They are going to kick her out if it's not paid soon. I then called the electric company. They said that they turned the electric off two weeks ago. Said that they called but she didn't answer so they drove over there and nobody answered so they shut it off. After I hung up I called her just for it to go straight to voicemail. I freaked out and called her doctor. He said he hasn't seen her since the last appointment we went to and they tried calling but she never answered. When I got off the phone with him I hung up and put my shoes on. I had Jack take me over to the house. The door was unlocked so we both just walked in. The house smelled really bad. It was really dark so we turned our flashlights on and looked around. I opened the fridge and nearly fell over it smelt so bad. There was so much rotten food. I closed the fridge and checked the pantry. It was still full of food. Jack and I then made our way upstairs. As I neared the bedroom I almost passed out. It smelt so bad. I sucked it up and opened the door and went in. I shined my light at the closet. Her stuff was still here. I then looked at the bed. There she was right there on my side of the bed clutching my pillow and curled up in the blanket. Her skin looked so pail and blue. I ran to her side. She was freezing and she smelled horrible. I screamed for Jack and asked if the water was still on. A few seconds later I heard him say yeah. I then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. Jack made a sour face as I passed him. I got in the shower and handed my phone to Jack and tuned the water on and tried the best I could to wash her up. Luckily the hot water was still on. I just held her close and took her clothes off and threw them. I didn't care that she was exposed. I grabbed soap and washes her body then I washes her hair. She was ice cold and breathing slowly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. My poor baby. I held her close. I slid down the wall still holding her and I washed the conditioner out of her hair. Jack say my phone down then walked out. He was probably getting her some clothes. He walked back in and sat some clothes down along with two towels. "I found some of your clothes hidden in her clothes". I nodded and held her close trying to keep her warm. The water was starting to get cold so turned it off. Jack handed me a towel and I dried her off. I then dried myself off while holding her. Jack moved towards her and offered to help. I just pushed him away not wanting him to touch her. I finally got us all dried off and dressed. I then lifted her up and carried her. She was way to light. We walked out of the house and I opened the door and got in with her while Jack got in the drivers seat and took off. I held her close to me. I looked down at her. She was scary looking. Her face was sunk in. Her skin was pail and cold. Her lips were purple and cracked. Her whole body was so small. She looked so fragile and broken. I felt so awful. My baby was broken and fragile because of me. There's no telling how long she was laying there like that. Jack pulled up to the hospital and I jumped out and carried her in. I gave her to a doctor. I tried to follows but I was held back by nurses. Jack came in and pulled me back. I just crashed into him crying. He hugged me and rubbed my back. We sat down and waited. This is all my fault. I should have never left her. After a few hours of waiting the doctor walked out. He called me over. I got up and went to him. "She is very lucky. She could have died. She was ice cold and she hasn't had any food or water in her system for three whole weeks. She is lucky to still be alive". I broke down. He patted my shoulder. I then remembered the babies. "What about the babies"? He looked away and said that they both didn't make it. Tears just fell down my face. My baby almost died and my babies did die. I fled bad but I was just happy that my baby was still alive. "Is she going to be ok"? I asked while looking at him. He nodded and said that she was awake and scared. I asked if I could go see her. He nodded and took me to her room. I walked in and her eyes locked with mine as tears fell. I just let my tears glow freely. All I heard was her whisper my name. I walked over to her as she tried to scoot over but she couldn't move. I slowly moved her over a little and crawled into the bed with her and pulled her into me. I held her tight and kissed her head. "I'm so sorry baby I'm never leaving again. I should have never left you. That was the biggest mistake of my life. Please take me back". I felt her kiss my chest and nod. I held her close and kissed her head. I started humming. After awhile her breathing slowed down signaling she was asleep. I can't believe I finally have my baby back. I text Jack and said for him to come in so I could give him the money to pay for rent and to get the electric back on. He came in and grabbed the money then left. I laid my head against Cheyann's and closed my eyes. Nothing is ever going to take me from my baby again. Sleep finally found me.