"Oh, c'mon Georgie, I know you're faster than that!" say the little girl to her best friend.
"I'm sorry, Ali, I can't run if I don't eat a good sandwich before!" the boy replies.
The two kids are running down Penny Lane, right to their favorite ice cream shop. They were about 6 or 7 years old, and since Alice's grandma had moved to the house in front of Harrison's family's they were best mates.
"Two ice creams, sir" little George asked politely.
The old man handed the kids their ice creams with a big smile to cross his face. "Boyfriend and Girlfriend, are you?" he asked sweetly.
Alice held George's free hand. "Yes" she said nodding happily.
The boy looked at her chubby face shocked.
Boyfriend? Since when? And if the lads saw him hand in hand with a girl!?
"Ew, no!" George said breaking from her squeeze and running out of the store, leaving the girl all alone.
It took a few seconds to Alice understand what had just happened. George didn't like her.
* * * * *
After that George avoided every kind of contact with Alice. And because of that he didn't get the information that Alice and her parents were moving to London and he didn't even say goodbye.
Alice didn't come visit her grandma and they didn't see each other for a while.
|1957| - PART ONE
"George, can you take this jar back to Mrs. Clark?" Mrs Harrison yelled from the kitchen.
"Yes mom" replied her son who was tuning his new guitar at the dinner room.
"Thank you dear" the mother said kissing George's forehead.
George sighed, Mrs Clark adored him. Every time he knocks on her door she invites him to come in and fills him with food and talks about cats. And she was about 100 years old!
The folk crossed the street and knocked on the door as he always did. But this time something went different. Who opened the door wasn't Mrs Clark.
"George?" A beautiful young gal said. Her long brown hair reached her waist and she had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. George almost dropped the jar.
"Alice?" he asked shocked.
Well, at least he was finally taller than her.
"Oh, you didn't change anything!" Alice said checking him out.
"Alice?" George repeated.
"Yes, it's me dummy. Now come on in" she laughed pulling on his sleeve as she used to do when they were little. "What's this that you have?"
"I-It's Mrs Clark's jar" the boy said walking in with her.
"Thank you, that's very sweet" she said taking the object from George's hands and placing it on a table. "Grandma, Georgie's here!" Alice called out.
George was still gazing at her, openmouthed.
"Grandma?" Alice called.
"I'm on the toilet, Alice, for heavens sake" the old lady yelled back.
"Uh, sorry about that" the girl blushed. "Do you want something to eat?"
"No, no, thank you, I better be going now" George said nervously stepping back. He couldn't understand why he was so afraid of her, they have known each other for years! But now she was so.. different.
"Oh, eh, can you help me carrying these boxes upstairs before you leave, please?" Alice asked.
"Eh sure" George said. He lifted his sleeves and walked to the cardboard boxes.
"It's a bit heavy" Alice alerted. George shrugged, for some unknown reason he felt the need of impressing her.
He lifted one of the boxes.
"Hell, did you put the white rabbit and his whole family in here?!" George breathed, regretting it some seconds later, Alice used to hate those Alice in Wonderland related jokes when she was a kid.
"I told you it was heavy" she laughed and took the smallest box and leaded the lad upstairs to her new bedroom.
They repeated it two or three times till all the boxes were in Alice's bedroom.
"Thank you Geo" the young lady said sitting on the old bed, she tapped the spot next to her and he sat down.
"It's been what, eight years?" Alice asks.
"Yeah" the boy said "You didn't even tell me you was leaving" George pondered.
"I tried to, but you was all mad that I told that man we were boyfriend and girlfriend" she laughed.
"Yeah, I remember that" George forced a laugh. He remembered it clearly, but now he was wondering what the heck was wrong with his little him to refuse a girl like Alice? "I'm sorry for that"
Alice just giggled and lay down. George, not knowing if he should or not, lay down too and they both stare at the ceiling.
"And what brings Alice back from Wonderland?" the boy asked, but then shut his mouth again "Uh, sorry, I can't control it" George laughed.
"It's okay, no one can" she laughs "I even catch my self talking to my buttons" they laugh a little and Alice sighs "It's cause my parents are divorcing and they didn't want me to be in the middle of it so they just sent me back to Liverpool"
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that"
"Nah, it was the best thing to do, I think there's a moment when one of them just needs to say 'ew no'"
George crackled "Oh c'mon, I was just a kid"
They laugh loudly until the laugh dies and there's silence again.
"Will you come back tomorrow to help me to paint this ugly thing?" Alice asks.
"What ugly thing?" George chuckles.
"This ceiling"
"Okay, I'll come. But I better go now or mom will kill me" he smiles and gets up.
They walk together downstairs to the front door. George feels Alice's hand touch his when she opens the door and he shivers.
"It was nice to see you again Geo" Alice says.
"It was nice to see you to" George kisses her on the cheek making both of them uncomfortable. "Uh bye"
And he walks away.
"Wow, he's cutest than ever" Alice murmurs smiling to her self.
* * * * *
"Why'd you take so long to give Mrs Clark her jar?" George's mother asks "Did she feed you again? Oh no, now you won't eat dinner"
"No" George laughed, lost in his thoughts "Alice was there"
"Alice? Alice Clark? Oh dear, why is she here?"
"Her parents are getting divorced or something" the boy said, still smiling.
"Oh, so why don't you invite her to dinner tomorrow night?" Mrs Harrison turns back to the sink to continue the dishes.
"Ah no mother, she'd never go out on a date with me" George sighs.
"I didn't say anything about a date, love bird" Mrs Harrison looks back to her son and raise one eyebrow smirking, making he blush.
ok idk i liek this chapter even though it's a bit short
but ok, if this gets 10 notes and at lest one comment i'll keep it going after i finish the other fanfic {Ain't she sweet}
so please, please, please vote/comment
then i'll know what to do
thank you, love you all}

Oh! Darling
Romance50's. Alice Clark is back in Liverpool, the town where she was born, to live with her grandma while her parents are getting divorced. In Liverpool she mets her childhood crush George Harrison, a tiny shy boy she haven't seen in years, and his best...