Chapter 9: Trouble for the Masked Vigilante

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Y/N and the guys continued jumping rooftops for the past hour. Nothing really happened, which was odd, but they shrugged it off. When they stopped to catch a breather, Mikey went up to Y/N.

"So when are you gonna tell Raph you like him?" he whispered.

She removed her hood and whispered, "I don't know. By the way, I have to pound you for telling Donnie that Raph and I almost kissed in the dojo."

"Well I'm sorry, but it's the most obvious thing in the world that both of you guys like each other, sis. Just tell him or I will," Mikey smirked.

"You will do no such thing. If you do, I'll tell Raph you used his comics as plates to hold pizza," Y/N replied.

"But I never did that," he argued.

"And who do you think he's gonna believe?" she smiled deviously.

"Good point. Okay, I won't say anything. But you need to," he responded.

"Okay, bro. I will; just give me time," she remarked.

"Alright team. Since there's not much activity going on, we'll split up to cover more ground for another hour. Raph and Y/N, you take the east while Mikey, Donnie, and I will take the west. Let's move out," Leo explained.

As they were heading out, Y/N and Leo looked at each other and he gave her a thumbs up with a smile which she returned.

Forty-five minutes went by and Y/N still hadn't confessed. She decided to break the silence with a race.

"Hey Raph, how much you wanna bet I can beat you to the Channel 6 building?" she asked.

"No. We have to--" he started to refuse but she was off running like Wonder Woman. (A/N Did you guys get the "Madea's Witness Protection" reference? Lol!)

"Hey! Y/N! Come back!" he yelled then ran after her.

It took a while, but she made it and left Raph in the dust. She smiled proudly at her victory. She turned her voice changer on and put her hoodie on and zipped it up. She sat on the edge still smiling, but it didn't last.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Masked Vigilante that gets a special kind of training," a deep voice replied darkly.

Y/N got to her feet as Foot soldiers surrounded her. She beat them like nothing with some of the moves she got from the videos she recorded before she saw the turtles. Once done, she saw Rahzar, Fishface, and TigerClaw.

"What did I tell you guys? This is the person we've been looking for," Rahzar smirked.

"Yes, Bradford. He is skilled; it's as if Shredder has already trained him personally. What do you think, TigerClaw?" Fishface commented.

'Phew! They didn't see my face. They don't know who I am,' Y/N thought.

"Yes. Now listen boy, we don't want to fight you, but you better not give us a reason to do so," TigerClaw threatened.

"What would I do to give you a reason to fight?" she asked, sounding like she was a guy.

"We want you to tell us where the turtles are," Rahzar explained.

"You mean the turtles you find at the pet store on Bleaker?" she mentioned, pretending to not know what they were talking about.

"We have seen you try to reason with them and talk to them. We even heard you call one of them by name. Raphael, is that the one he mentioned?" TigerClaw replied.

"Yes. That is correct," Fishface smirked.

Though they couldn't see it, Y/N went wide eyed. She couldn't stand the thought of them knowing she knew the turtles.

"Plus, we've seen you on some of their patrols. You have to know them and since you do, we're going to give you three options. You're going to tell us where their hideout is, join the Foot clan to help us do that, or you watch them die," TigerClaw explained.

And that's when Raph came in and beat the crap out of them. Y/N just stood there, shocked at what they just told her. Raph finished beating them as they struggled to get away.

"You leave my friend alone or you're gonna wish I did far worse," he threatened.

They ran away and Raph turned to Y/N with an angry look.

"Y/N, I told you not to do that! What were you thinking?! And take that damn hoodie off so I can see your face!" he practically yelled.

She unzipped the hoodie to reveal her tear-stained face. As she turned her voice changer off, Raph changed from a look of anger to concern.

"There. Happy, you jerk?" she sobbed.

He dropped his sais and walked toward her. She ran into his arms and he held her as she cried.

"What did they say to you?" he asked.

"They gave me three options, none of them good. I'm either to tell them the location of the lair, join them, or they make me watch you guys die. And I can't have that when I see you guys as my family. I see Splinter as a father, Leo, Donnie, and Mikey as brothers, and you as something more. I really like you and I can't imagine life without you. I just want you to know that. I want to be with you always," she explained through sobs.

She stopped crying and they were shocked at what just happened. She couldn't believe she just said that. He lifted her face to his.

"Y-you like me?" Raph asked.

"Well...yeah. But if we get together and the Foot--" she started but didn't finish.

Raph smashed his lips onto hers and as fast as he did so, she kissed back. It was a sweet but passionate kiss. She placed her hand on his cheek as he pulled her closer. They parted to breathe and looked into each other's eyes.

"I like you too. I don't want to lose you either. Don't let the Foot keep you from having a relationship with all of us. So will you be my girlfriend?" Raph asked.

Y/N started to smile like crazy and kissed him in response.

But when they parted, she answered, "Hell yes."

They chuckled and went back to the lair. They were a little worried about the Foot coming for them, but they're not going to let them break them up.


A/N Y'all are together! Plus, the Foot clan is full of assholes! But what's new about that? Hope y'all are enjoying this so far.

Turtles: Hi Jamie!


Leo: Hi Jamie. It's nice to finally meet you.

Mikey: We're huge fans of yours on Wattpad.

Me: Thanks. I'm a huge fan of yours, period.

*all chuckle*

Donnie: You'll get to meet Splinter, April, and Casey soon. Karai has a mission with the Foot clan.

Raph: And I'm just wondering. Why do you always have a relationship with me? *smirks*

Me: *blushes madly* Uh...I'll see guys in the next chapters! *runs and hides in bathroom*

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