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Hi all. I am back with a bit of news regarding my next piece of literature. IT'S THE SEQUEL!

I've Finally got the inspiration and time to add to the series. Of course, this means that the remainder of my unfinished publications will have to wait a while, and I can explain.

For The Fox And The Hound: Upbringing (Continuation), I've been trying to get in contact with the original writer to try and see if I can rewrite the original chapter for my own story, without having to change too much. And, I kinda like where it ended, but I know there are many unanswered questions as to Fyre and Tod. So, it will have to simmer for a while.

For The Fox And The Hound: It Should've Been Me, I have hit a block, and have asked the requester how he wants it to go. If he decides to have Vixey out the picture, I will have a plan.

I would also like to make note that the original first chapter will be republished as I have too little time to rewrite the entire story. In the update, I am going to keep the original story line, but add a twist that will surprise and maybe even upset some readers. All I have to say for now, is that none of this would have been possible without SteelWingAngel and disneyfangirl774 off, not to mention all the favourites and followers.

The future title is between:

'When The Present Needs The Past'

'The Past And Present Form The Future'

'The Future Needs The Present'

Please help me decide between the two. And also, can someone please recommend a good cover artist? That would be great. See you all in the next installment.

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