10 - Strange Magic

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Harry was in his office before first light, furiously flipping through every Ministry parchment and journal he could get his hands on. His green eyes were wild and furious as he practically swam around his desk in a mess of paperwork and leather, searching desperately for anything on 'pregnancy via Amortentia',

'I can't believe I thought that useless prat was my best friend,' Harry thought angrily, shifting through some more levels of parchment with a flick of his wand, 'there has to be something here. I'll give that sicko a lifetime in Azkaban for this! Hell, I might just go kill him myself. Using a potion to get a girl pregnant, god, poor Hermione,'

Harry collapsed down into his office chair, immediately thinking back to his one and only best friend. Everything made sense now. Her tiredness and ill feelings, her weight gain, the doctors visits, everything! The brightest witch of her age was with child, and Harry had no idea until now!

'No wonder she tried to keep it from me,' Harry thought, setting his jaw at the mere thought of Ronald Weasley, 'he got her pregnant. He violated her, god damn it!'

Clenching his fists and slamming them down against the desktop, the entire Ministry seemed to rattle with Harry's rage,


"Harry Potter!" The office door slammed open, revealing the purple robes of the Minister for Magic himself, Kingsley Shacklebolt. His face was contorted into distress and slight irritation as Harry fell back down into his chair, heaving in deep breaths as he glowered at nothing in particular. If looks could kill from a distance, Ron would no doubt be dead all the way in Ottery St. Catchpole, "what is going on in here?"

"He's an insufferable little git, Kingsley! I want that bastard dead!"

"Harry, what are you talking about?"

"Hermione's pregnant!"

A heavy silence fell over the room as Harry's hatred seemed to silently pour off him in waves, and Kingsley stood shell shocked,


"Pregnant, Kingsley. Hermione is with child,"

The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife as the dark skinned Minister fell into a chair as well, eyes wide as he inhaled shakily,

"And you think-?"

"I want him dead," Harry growled darkly, clenching his fists and teeth. Deep in his mind though, something else was nagging at him. A memory which desperately wanted to come to the surface, but was pushed back by Harry's consciousness as he focused his anger on the youngest male Weasley. 'That bastard will pay for hurting her,'

Swallowing thickly, Kingsley shook his head and held up both hands,

"Your anger is understandable, Harry. I have already sent a team of Auror's to collect the young man for questioning-"

"He deserves the Kiss for something like this-"

"Potter, your anger is righteous. But it will do nothing to help Hermione. You must keep your head here, as Ronald still believes you are on his side-"

"But I'm not. Let me at him, Kingsley, he will never breathe again-"

"Harry, get a grip on yourself!" Kingsley snapped, shutting the young man up as the Minister sat forward, "getting yourself thrown in Azkaban for murder isn't going to help anything. Besides, I might just kill the Weasley myself. Hermione is like the daughter I never had,"

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