Chapter 1

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Attention passengers, flight 5320 from Auckland to L.A is now boarding through gate 5

Kenzie stood and grabbed her carry on luggage and made her way to the gate, soon after the in flight safety demo Kenzie settled in for the long journey ahead of her. From L.A she was catching a flight to Montana then on a bus to a small town called Hope Spring.

Arriving that evening in Montana Kenzie headed to the nearest motel and proceeded to sleep for the next 14 hours.

Waking the next morning feeling somewhat refreshed Kenzie headed out for breakfast at the local diner. Sitting herself down in an empty booth she ordered a stack of pancakes with syrup and a cup of coffee. While waiting for her order she glanced around and took in the decor from the black and white tile flooring to the chrome and red stools along the counter.

As she continued to glance around she noticed a group of guys sitting in the corner booth. Her staring was interrupted by the waitress clearing her throat. Kenzie blushed and mumbled her thanks to the waitress. grabbing the syrup Kenzie started pouring it over her pancakes and got distracted by the same group of guys from earlier. The same guy started smirking at her so Kenzie looked down and realized the syrup was now trickling off the plate and over the table.

Shit!!!! Kenzie muttered to herself while attempting to clean up the mess. the waitress came over and looked at Kenzie kindly saying It's okay dear, i would get distracted by some good looking guys if i was your age. This just made Kenzie blush even more, she quickly pulled out some money, said her thanks and quickly made a dash for the exit......

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