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Gemma's pov
The next day, by the time I had woken up Taylor had been picked up by his dad.
Luke was kind of weird in the morning. But he didn't seem angry, he was just quite dry. I didn't think much of it.
I made Luke breakfast and he seemed to lighten up.
I was standing hunched over at the end of our bed tying my shoelace when Luke tackled me into a hug and we both fell onto the bed.
He closed his eyes.
"Sh!""Luke what are you doing?"
"I'm tired and I'm cold." He replied, still not letting go.I attempted to free myself from his grasp but he just hugged me harder. He did smell great though.
"We need to go to school!" I laughed.
"Just a little longer."Luke and I stayed like that for about fifteen more minutes.
"You know I love you, right?" He asked in a groggy morning voice, despite being awake for almost an hour.
"Of course I do."
"Do you love me back?""Hmm I'm not sure." I joked. Immediately he lifted his head and gave me a look like a sad yet worried child. He had never looked more adorable.
"I'm kidding! You know I do!"
"And you always will, right?"
"Luke," I let out a light laugh and pushed myself back to look Luke in the eyes, "What is the matter with you?""I just wanna make sure that you're fully committed to our relationship."
"Me? Fully committed? I've loved you no matter what we've been through!"
Luke opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "And I always will."Luke brought his face down to mine and connected our lips before being satisfied enough to finally get off of the bed.
Luke drove us to school.
School was nothing special... then again, is it ever?
It had its ups and its downs. One of the downs happened to be that Hayden decided to come clean to her mother about her insecurities and the fact that she was feeling the need to self-harm and her mother got her a therapist-- I suppose that's an extremely good thing especially due to the fact that she has helped Hayden to stop hurting herself.
The downside to Hayden seeing a therapist was that she came to the conclusion that Hayden was feeling lonely and began getting depressed without her brother, Matthew.
This meant that Hayden's mother thought it was best that they moved back near their father so she could still be in connection with her brother.
That brought my day to an all time low.
Kate did say that she wanted me to go into town with her after school which made me happy because I had barely gotten to spend any time with her.
Kate and I dragged ourselves in and out of literally every single shop. It was six in the evening before she accepted my tenth request to leave.
Kate drove me home from school and I definitely used to enjoy driving with her but our drive this time certainly made me rethink how she managed to pass her drivers test.
"Unless I've been driving wrong for the past few years... I'm pretty sure green means go?" I suggested.
Kate had caught every single red light on our route, mostly because she was driving slower than the old people outside were walking.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're supposed to drive through the green light, not slow down when you see it in the distance." I laughed."I just don't want to crash or waste fuel."
"Slowing down and accelerating a lot actually wastes your fuel."
"Shut up, Gem." She laughed.As if Kate stopping at basically every single light wasn't taking long enough, as soon as we left the town, Kate took a left instead of a right and we ended up taking the long way home.
"Okay take the second exit. NO! THE SECO- KATE!"
"Why did you take the first exit?! We've already been driving for an hour." I groaned.
"Sorry..."When Kate and I finally reached my place, it was well after seven thirty.
Kate insisted on walking my into the house, which she has never done before.I unlocked the door and opened it but all the lights were off.
Once I turned the lights on, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Hannah, Nick, Nathan and Jack were all in the living room, I smiled at my friends as Luke came out of the bathroom.
"I missed saying surprise?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"
I laughed, "Did you do all this?" I asked Luke.
"Yeah, you've been so stressed out lately that I figured we should just have a chill night. We bought food from your favourite take-out place, got all your favourite junk food and rented your favourite movies." Luke smiled.
"Aw! Thanks guys."Luke's facial expression changed in a look of annoyance as he left the hall and stormed into our bedroom.
"What's wrong?" I asked, following him.
"You knew, didn't you?!"I sighed and he turned away from me.
"Ugh! I knew it!"
"Luke, why is this such a big deal?""Because I tried so hard! What kind of a boyfriend am I if I can't even do a nice surprise for my girlfriend?"
"It was still nice! I just saw it coming."
"I can't believe the only time I've ever surprised you was our redo first date.""Um..."
"OH MY GOD!" He huffed and I laughed slightly.
"It's not your fault! I'm just not easily surprised."Luke flopped down on the bed and let out a loud sigh.
"Hey, I was surprised that you were Lucas! There's a surprise. And it also turned out to be one of the best things that's ever happened to me." Luke sat back up.
"You're so mushy!" He smiled."Shut up." I laughed.
"Do you know what mushy people get?"
"MUSHY KISSES!" He replied before getting up and kissing my cheek, proceeding to give me one of the most slobbery kisses I had ever had."LUUUKE! GO AWAY!" I whined and he pulled back.
I proceeded to wipe his saliva off my cheek.
"I knew that was coming and it still revolted me."
"You're like fucking that's so raven.""Leave me alone! I'm hard to surprise! Sue me."
"I will surprise you one day, Gemma Carter, and you won't see it coming." He called before leaving the room to join our friends.
"That's kind of the point of a surprise, genius!"

"I'll be okay." | luke hemmings au *COMPLETED*
Teen Fiction® "Do you need me?" "I'll be okay." She answered. The pair stayed silent for a few seconds, "Is that what you want me to say?" <>MAKES SENSE AS A SEPARATE STORY<> •sequel to Bullied• <>DOES NOT HAVE TO BE READ AS A SEQUEL<>