Chapter Five: The Good and the Bad

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It was the first day back to school after Christmas break and I was just heading into lunch, I sat down across from Parker and my best friend Sophia. Sophia and I have known each other since we were six years old, my grandma and her mom introduced us to each other and we bonded instantly, Sophia recently transferred here and ever since then we've been inseparable. Sophia is always quiet, but yet when were alone, were all over the place, yelling and non stop talking. Sophia is really pretty and half of our friends have a crush on her. She was pretty tall, she is almost tall as Parker.

The three of us were just chatting and then all of a sudden my phone goes off, I picked up my phone and looked down at it. It was a unknown number calling me and it worried me a little, it's not normal for a number like this to call. I answered and all I heard in the background was men chanting a sports team.

"Addison?" a man said in a low tone.

It startled me how the man knew my name, but I got the courage to ask "yes?"

"it's me, your father"

I raised my eyebrows and mouthed the words "dad" to Parker and Sophia, they looked at me shocked, considering the fact I never gave him my number and that I haven't talked to him for years. I felt a rush of anger run through me and I let out a loud sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Addison, it's me. . . your dad"

I hung up the phone fast, then blocked his number and shoved my phone in the bottom of my bag. I look up at the two, they were staring at me like I just slapped one them. I felt the tension rise between us the longer we kept silent. Sophia quickly brought up the topic about her soccer game coming up soon, we felt the tension wash away quickly and forgot about what happened.

Once school finally ended I caught up with Parker and we started walking together, we only made it down the block until I saw a bus at a stop light and on the bus was Meghan, I looked away quickly, praying she didn't see me. Parker looked down at me and gave me a look and watched the bus drive off, with me.

"are you okay?"

I looked at Parker and pulled out the best smile I could "all good"

We contiuned walking down the street, but suddenly Parker grabbed my hand and started guiding me down a different street.

"where are we going?"


We walked all the way downtown, which has all the cheap restaurants and we decided to eat at small chinese resutrant called "Bamboo". We sat down and stared at each other, until the waiter came over and asked what we wanted. Parker chose soup and water for the both of us as he kept staring at me, I think the waiter thought we were crazy in love. Once the waiter brought us our food Parker and I went dead slient and ate our food quietly.

"so what happened with you and that bus today after school?" Parker asked breaking the silence.


"you looked really mad at that bus" Parker chuckled, pushing his soup away.

I pushed my food to the side, rolling my eyes and smiled "whatever you say".

Next morning I woke up to find myself sitting in Parker's chair, while Parker was asleep in his bed, I got up and walked over to Parker and nudge him gently, "wake up"

Parker rubbed his eyes and looked up at me confused "it's early. . . go back to bed"

I looked at the clock and rolled my eyes, smiling "Parker it's 1pm"

"like I said, early" Parker chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk out. Parker stood up quickly and grabbed my arms.

I turned around quickly. Parker leaned his head down and smiled, I smiled back and placed my body against his.

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