Untitled Part 1

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I'm frantic. I had to get the ingredients to make my brother's birthday cake. He's barely ever home, and he finally came back for his birthday. I grabbed everything I needed, just had to grab the beer. He's turning 21, so I'm making him a beer cake. I went to go grab some Bud Light, quick and easy. "You're not gonna wanna buy that beer, it tastes like piss water, you should get this." A 12 pack of IPA was put into my cart. The voice sounded so familiar, and when I turned to say thank you to the stranger, my jaw dropped to the floor. It was Jensen freaking Ackles! My eyes bulged out of my head. "Oh my god! Can I get a picture with you?" I was so absolutely in shock that Jensen Ackles was standing in front of me. He eyes turned a little cold, and he took an half of a step back. "No, why?" I was hurt, I had to admit. He was my idol, he guy who basically gave me a voice and a reason to be me. It took me a second to regain my composure, and then I mustered up the courage to speak. "Well, I am you probably get this a lot, but I know you're Jensen Ackles and you're on Supernatural." I looked up, because although I had the courage to speak to Jensen I didn't have the courage to look at him while I spoke, and his face just got this are you kidding me look. "Not again," he mumbled under his breath, and then Jared comes over. "Hey, Dean so uh.... who's this?" 

My mind was blown, this was exactly like The French Mistake! "Holy shit this is an actual thing." They both looked at me like I was high or something, and I decided to act normal. "So... guys, how did you end up here?" They seemed hesitant, but Jared, or Sam was the one to answer. "We were heading back from a hu-" Sam made a noise as Jensen, or Dean elbowed him in the ribs. "A hunting trip, a deer hunting trip, and we were heading back home, but I guess we missed a wrong turn and ended up here instead." I shook my head, half laughing at their terrible story and half laughing at the possibility that all of this is actually real. "Well, I'm going to assume that you are gonna sleep in some hotel or something? But the hotel's around here are back road slimy motels. Why don't you come back to my place and sleep, then plan your next move." My mind was reeling, but I had to try and help them without coming off as a threat. "Dean and Sam both looked apprehensive, but agreed. "Quick question, are you making a pie?" Dean had looked into my basket. I chuckled, that boy and his pie. "Well, ah, no it's for a beer cake for my brothers birthday," Dean's face twisted at the thought of cake. "But I think my mom is making pie, if you guys would come with me the party you could have some." They both looked at each other, nodded, and we were on our way back to my apartment. 

"So, uh, how do you think you're getting home?" I was putting the cake into the oven. "Well I mean we really don't know, last time this happened we had to get back under a whole new type of circumstances." I knew exactly what they were talking about, but I couldn't' lead on that I knew. "Ahh, okay. Well I would just like to warn you that my family is a little bit... abrasive you could say." I was changing my clothes in my room. "Just don't say anything about weather, politics, college, jobs, relationships, food, drinking, and families. Seem as plain as possible and you will blend right in. Don't argue with anybody and if someone asks you a question don't avoid it, but don't answer it fully. If anything comes up about how we know each other act like we met in college and you are visiting cause we haven't seen each other in a while. I went to Colombia, fyi and graduated with a major in journalism. You guys got that?" I walked out of my room to them staring at each other confused. Sam then looked over at me and nodded for the both of them. The timer sounded on the oven and i Took the cake out just in time, because we were late.

It was well into the party and the boys were doing pretty well. My aunt had tried to get Sam to ask me out, because according to her I was "lonely and just the right age to be finding a man to spend the rest of my life with," and said that Sam "looked like the dream guy I had described to her a while ago." After steering Sam away from her, I spent the rest of the night with them and my brother playing drinking games, and kicking their asses at every one. We were all pretty bombed and when I went to go drive us home I started blurting out their life story to them, and asking them all these questions. Dean may or may not have pulled a gun on me asking who I was and how I knew all this, but calmed down after I told him about the show. "So you are a fan of the show." Sam started, "And you know everything about us?" Dean finished. They looked so confused and a little upset. "Yeah, I do. But I mean, you can't really get that upset about it. You have a loyal fanbase that have really come together and become a family because of you, and we all have kept watching the show. Your lives have value, and you can't forget that." We were parked in front of my apartment now. 

"Look," I turned to both of them. "I know things really suck right now, but you pull through, because of who you are. Now I know how to get you back. Just take the impala and drive on the road you came in on, at the exact moment you got on it. I'll follow behind to make sure you get back safe. What time did you get through here?" Dean said it was about 12:30 a.m. because his music stopped for a second and he looked to see what was wrong. "Do you remember what mile marker it said?" I was grabbing thin air, but it had to work. Sam said it was 38, because he felt a jolt in the car and looked outside. It was about 11:00 p.m., and it would take maybe an hour to get to the marker, so Sam and Dean grabbed their stuff and got into the impala. I followed closely behind, and around midnight we got to the mile marker. For the next 20 minutes, we just sat and drank a beer before saying our goodbyes. "Thanks for all the help, really we wouldn't have gotten this far without you. Stay safe." Dean gave me a really tight, slightly awkward hug, before saying goodbye and getting in the car. Sam gave me a huge hug, and kissed my temple. "Really, thanks for the talk, and helping us out. I would say call if you need anything, but y'know. Since you are watching our lives, I'll try to slip in a mention of beer cake here and there, or that crazy aunt, so you know we remember." With that Sam got into the car, and at exactly 12:30 a.m., the impala disappeared off the road.

12:31 a.m., I woke up in a cold sweat in my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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