Jackson POV:
Jinyoung room is sure biggg. Now we are waiting for the girls. Mina, Nayeon, Tzuyu, and Dahyun. You know Mina condition right? She is weak and restless. During Dinner, She didn't eat anything. We are like forcing her to eat, which successfully done. She eat pretty much. As I was saying we are in JinYoung's room decided to continue our game Truth and Dare. After Mina left in the Morning. We stop playing it, we are worry about her. A knock on the door.
As they settle down. Mina just sit on JinYoung's bed next to him looking sad. :(
"OK....... Let Play...... Um....Um.. Mina. Do you want to continue?"I ask. She just weakly nodded. I know how she feel. If it was me I would be upset too. My special family member.
First up I spin the bottle landed on Yugyeom. "Truth or Dare?"
"Truth" "Oh. Truth. Is it true that I, Jackson wang is the"Wild and Sexy Jackson Wang" and Wang Puppy?" "Um. Maybe. Yea if you said so."
"What do you mean Maybe. It either Yes or No!!" I yell. Nobody said maybe to me. It either Yes or No.
"Fine, Yes. Happy now." Fake smile Yugyeom.
"Yes Happy now. Thank you." I said smile that shows my teeth.
"No fun. Just spin the bottle. Which is all Dare NO TRUTH. Or else I'm will have to say the truth which alway turn out to be a lie." Complain BamBam. As normal.
"That sound fun" said Sana.
BamBam POV:
Finally someone agree with me. Basic nobody agree with me. They alway said" Everyone that normal. BamBam is alway that BamBam."
Yugyeom spin the bottle. It landed me. I mean why me. Where are these luck I have? Where is it?
"Let see. Have a date with um..... Dahyun. Yes Dahyun. For 2 weeks. Since you guy have been together alot, hanging out alot. So yeah." Nodded Yugyeom. That nothings. We hang out alot of no need worry. I spin. It landed on Jackson. "Jackson. Do your ugly dance." He start dancing. The best ugly dance. We laugh so hard. Even Mina but laugh a little then stop. Then Jackson is so embarrassing that he change the topic." Let watch movie. Or darama. I want to watvh "The Heir" that the girls watch. I like watching that drama but then due to a busy schedule. I don't have time to watch it. Since Jinyoung have a flat sofa bed on the floor and a big screen T.V hanging on the wall. We all decided to sit down on the fluffy flat bed on the floor and enjoy. It was very good until it finish." good. I want watch more" I beg. "BamBam! Stop whining your not a baby!" Said that Jackson. Then we watch one of WE Got Married Naeun and Taemin. It funny and cute. I wish Naeun noona and Taemin Hyung together. Hehehe. I also ship my group with Twice too! GOTTWICE. GOTTWICE. Hehehehe.
Momo POV:
I admire Naeun unnie and Taemin oppa. They are cute together. I ship them alot. Lol. I can see Nayeon Unnie got tired since she didn't sleep last night because of face chatting her family. Now she is sleeping on Mark Oppa's shoulder. I ship these two and Mina and Jinyoung. I don't know why I like to ship people these days. ^~^
Mark POV:
As we are watching WGM Naeun and Taemin. Taemin is one of my idol. I admire all his features. Mainly hir dance and vocal. Suddenly I feel weigh on my shoulder. I look to a side and saw Nayeon sleeping on shoulder. Cute~. Finally we watch all the episodes in a sec. Fast right?
Time pass fast. It already pass 12. Everyone is tired. "Um.... guys. Little help here? Hello?" I ask.
"Oh. She is asleep? Let me Find her cards."said Jihyo. She walk over it Nayeon serch through her pocket and only find her cell phone. "It must be here somewhere."
"Jihyo check back of her phone. She usual put her cards back of her phone. I saw her taking it out yesterday." Said Tzuyu. "Right. There. Let go I am tired."
"Bye. Jinyoung, Make care if our Mina. Understand." Said Twice. It loud you know 6 people said at the same time. Jinyoung nodded. I carry Nayeon bride style and walk out. "Bye" mouthed. Jihyo open Nayeon door and gentle put her down on her bed. " You should get rest. It getting late." They nodded and went out. I tug Nayeon in her blanket and make sure her phone is on the nightstand and then window is lock and turn on the A.C since it hot in Jeju and lock the door as I leave. Everything was safe and sound as I leave the room.
To be continue........Back with a new chapter. It a bit lame.... But I will try my best to make next chapter even better.^~^ Make sure to Vote and Comment. Thanks you for all my viewer/Reader voting this book and reading this book. I hope you enjoy reading it!
-Author_Cindy♡ ^~^

FanfictionJYP High School is one of the most famous and TOP1 High School in Korea. Only JYP Bands members who debut that can study there. In this book, it about life studying and hanging each other with GOT7 and TWICE. Read and Find out more about GOT7 an...