"Honey, I'm home," Barry called as he flew into the apartment.
"Hey Barry, How did the cow case go?," Venessa responds from the table where she is sipping on a cup of coffee.
"Well its been really difficult. I mean cows are pretty much a main food source for humans but I think I am getting somewhere." Barry buzzes down to the table landing next to a waiting cup of coffee. The strange couple sit in silence, deep in thought, for what feels like forever.
"Yes, Barry. What is it?"
Barry pauses before responding, "Well I've been thinking and I well...I mean...I"
"Whatever it is you can tell me," Venessa interrupts sweetly.
"Well you see, we've been together for a while now," Barry says staring into Venessa's eyes, "and I think it might be a good time to take our relationship to the next level. I mean you and Ken have been broken up for a while now and we have been together for quite some time."
Venessa looks down, while Barry stares at her intently awaiting an answer. "Wow Barry I never expected this, but I agree with you I do think it is time to move our relationship forward." Barry's face lights up and a sly grin starts to rise on his little bee face. He flies up to Venessa's mouth giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.
His tiny be hand reaches up softly caressing the area above her lip. The kiss deepens and Barry finds the majority of his head between her lips, and Venessa stumbles into her bedroom. Barry pulls his head out her lips catching his breath. He moves to press his lips and vibrating body against her face tracing her jawline down to her neck.
"I want you, all of you Barry," Venessa coos, and she pulls off her shirt.
"Don't worry honey, I'll make you buzz with happiness. You're my only queen tonight." He copies her pulling of his sweater and dives his completely exposed bee body into her revealed honey sacs. She falls down onto the bed as Barry flaps his miniature wings against her. She rolls onto her side reaching down to unbutton her pants as Barry flies behind her to unclip her bra.
"How do these things work", he mumbles under his breath as he struggles to get it undone. After a few seconds of struggling, he gets it undone and it falls to the floor. Venessa had gotten her pants off revealing black and yellow hexagonal printed panties. Barry automatically felt aroused.
"I'm going to fill you with my sweet honey Vanessa." She smiles and slides her panties off kicking them to the floor. Barry goes down playfully buzzing against her revealed hexagon. He teases her with his vibrating body never quite entering. Her hands clench in the covers and she starts to moan softly.
"Oh, Barry, please stick your stinger in me already," she cries. Venessa was fed up with all the teasing.
"As you wish my queen. Make sure not to scream too much when I make my honey deep inside of you." He dives in pulling his way up until he makes it just far enough inside of her. Venessa tightens her muscles and grinds on the bed as she feels his little wings flapping against her. Barry licks her insides collecting the dripping nectar, which causes her to hold her breath until he finishes.
He realizes that he should probably please her more. He takes his enlarged stinger pointing away from her opening and flies backwards, lodging it deep within her. She lets out a scream as he starts to move back and forth pushing deeper every time. This results in her producing so much nectar that Barry is afraid he might drown, but he quickly drinks it up. It was so hot inside of her that Barry thought he might get burned.
Luckily he felt something building inside of him. He was finally ready to shoot his honey into her. He vibrates his body harder and thrusts as fast as he can until honey shoots from him into her deepest parts. Barry flies out of her covered in honey. She reaches down touching herself and shaking from the impact. She looks down to see honey seeping out of her as well.
"Oh, Barry that was so amazing. Come here so that I can reward you." Venessa's tongue is out and she is licking honey from her hand. Barry buzzes over to her awaiting tongue. She licks him clean of the honey, running her tongue over every inch of his body, lingering on his stinger. When she is finished he drops down to the pillow beside her, exhausted from his hard work. They both roll on to their sides so that they can stare into each others eyes.
"Barry this was a great idea. I'm glad we took our relationship to the next level. I can't wait to see what's next for us. I lo... I love you" She trails off as she falls asleep. Barry places a gentle kiss on her forehead and flies back down to the bed wrapping himself in covers and slowly falling asleep.
1 month later...
"Barry we need to talk."
"What's wrong honey?"
"You might want to sit down," she said while gesturing to his chair. Barry flew hesitantly to his chair. He did not know what this could mean.
With tears in her eyes Venessa looked at him and sobbed, "Barry, I'm late."
"What you're late? You haven't sold enough flowers before the winter? Honey, You know we don't have to worry about money, so its no problem."
She shakes her head. "No, Barry I'm pregnant."
"Oh" He did not know what to do. He flew into the air, hovering before breaking out in to a smile.
"This is great. We're going to have a family now. I can't wait to tell my parents. Oh, and of course I should probably tell Adam too..." He starts flying around wildly mumbling to himself. Venessa was filled with joy that he had taken it so well. She rests her hand on her stomach staring at it.
"Even if the world rejects you as a monster know that I will always love you," she gently said to the child inside of her.
Everything was going according to her plan. Venessa knew that as soon as this child was born it would give her the power to become queen of all bees. She would create an empire of hybrids produced from her womb to invade the Earth. Before long she would would be able to control the entire world. She would be the one that determined whether or not the bees pollinated, so they would have no choice but to surrender to her. She let out a giggle and slowly went up behind Barry who was still mumbling and smashed him with Italian Vogue. He was just a pawn in her plan for world domination, and now that he was out of the way nothing could stop her. She let out a cackle and sipped her coffee slowly. The end.

Bed Bugs: A Bee Movie fanfic
FanfictionBarry x Venessa----WARNING: SMUT #1 TheBeeMovie Barry and Venessa have been together for a while now and they are ready to take their relationship to the next level. Together they create sweet honey.