Since I've posted the first chapter I've gotten a few comments and messages about this book. Some are suggestions, some agreeing with me, but others.. absolutely ridiculous..
Now I need to state this again apparently, depression is NOT something bad that happens to you and you feel sad. I'm seeing a couple of people who are always very happy saying or implying that they have depression. Now, where's the hole in the argument? Have you figured it out? If not, before I say the answer, a little hint to people who can't grasp the definition of depression. A mental disorder in which you cannot be happy when you should be. People who have depression can almost never feel happy. There are only very few rare.. RARE occasions when they are. Now do you see it? THESE PEOPLE ARE NORMALLY HAPPY ON A DAILY BASIS! You do not have depression if you are happy 70% of the time.
I also saw someone saying they're not sure if they have depression or not. Now, let's take a look at what makes them think so. Many suicidal thoughts. Please. I find it sad that this comment was being serious.
Dear, You have no medical proof whatsoever of having depression. Also, the biggest thing: SUICIDAL THOUGHTS DON'T MEAN SHIT!
Many times having suicidal thoughts does not mean you have depression. Because even 88% of the whole world have many suicidal thoughts and don't have depression. I know for I am a part of that 88% of the world. I've had so many times where I thought of just ending it all and dying. However, that would not be a sign of depression, for that happens at least once to everyone. And when I say that, I mean EVERYONE ON THE EARTH AT LEAST ONCE THOUGHT OF KILLING THEIR SELF.
Another thing I have seen is someone saying they cry over almost everything that happens. Not depression. I was such a crybaby in the 3rd grade that I would even cry when I was called on to answer a question. However, it's normal to cry at sad or scary times. It is not depression.
To close my argument, there's one theory I have about why people think they have depression.
I think that some people mix up the two completely different words: Depressed and Depression. Now I honestly shouldn't say how obviously different these words are but I will anyways. Depression, I really don't have to define it. If you don't remember, look in the second paragraph. But depressed, That is an emotion where you feel sadness and despair. That emotion is a feeling, not a mental disorder. A depressing feeling will go away, depression is there to stay.
So in summary, learn what depression is first before going around the internet saying you have it. I do not want to see your depressing stories in the comments that imply you do. I want medical proof. Honestly if you want me to believe you, send something to my e-mail. That is all. I hope you enjoyed. Leave any suggestions you have for me to rant about in the comments, and I will get back to you.

Things that really bother me
Short StoryThese are just some things that really bother me these days with people.