It seems that the entire universe was on my side today because when I got to school, I found really good parking and nobody messed with me socially.
I made my way to my locker, entering my combination. Since it was a bit messy, I decided to organize it and take advantage of the time to sort some of my thoughts. It didn't last though because I was rudely interrupted by someone who decided that groping me before class was a good idea.
"Aria, I spent all of yesterday calling you and texting you. What the heck babe?", the person said with a familiar tone of possessiveness in thier voice that I could detect almost instantly who it was.
"Back off Milton. I've told you before that I won't answer your calls and texts because I don't care about you anymore", I said as I removed his hands from me before I turned to face him.
And to think that I used to care so much about him.
"I don't think you understand what's going on babe", he said as he agressively took hold of my arms, pushing me back into the lockers with force, but he didn't care because he used his own arms to pin me down so I couldn't move. "I practically own you Aria. And don't start your bull with me saying that you don't know shit because you do".
I looked around for anyone to help me out of this but there was hardly anyone in the hall and even if they were around, they wouldn't want to mess with Milton Ruizpalacios, the son of our school principal, Ms. Giselle Ruizpalacios.
"Look, Milton. What you did for me is something that my family and I will always be grateful for but let me tell you this: Nobody, including you, owns me. So quit your crap!", I said as I used my hands to push him off me, but he just used more of his body weight on me to keep me in place.
I was going to kick him in the fucking balls when a a throat cleared, bringing both Milton's and my attention towards it.
As soon as I turned and saw who it was, my heart did a cartwheel, but almost instantly I remembered about how much hurt and pain this man had caused me. Any remaining tingling emotions were replaced with a firey rage.
When I looked at his face, you could tell that he hadn't gotten much sleep and his forehead was starting to produce some premature stress lines but I didn't feel a single drop of compassion. He deserved that and more.
"I sure hope there isn't a problem here with Ms. Fields young man", said Parker.
No, no problem at all. I just really enjoy being pinned against lockers against my own will.
Milton laughed a bit too loud,"Of course there's no problem. I'm just having a talk with my baby girl". Milton quickly let me go from his grip but wrapped both of his arms around my waist and let his chin rest on the crook of my neck."I'm Milton Ruizpalacios, son of your boss Giselle Ruizpalacios", he said offering his hand to Parker.
"Mr. Castles", said Parker as he shook Milton's hand. I could tell that Parker just shook it out of courtesy because when Milton said his name, Parker looked at me. His eyes quickly gave away his emotions: hurt, lust, realization, sadness, and posessiveness.
I only looked at Parker with anger.
Before anything else was said, the bell rang. Parker looked at us both, glancing at Milton only once before setting his gaze on me."Get to class", he said as he regained his posture.
We both nodded but before Milton left, he quickly pecked my lips,"See you at lunch my little freak".
Once he left, I grabbed my things out my locker without saying a word. I could still feel the close proximity between Parker and I as I gathered my things before closing my locker. Unfortunately, I had to go right past him to get to my 1st period and right when I went by him, I felt his hand gently touch my wrist.
I immediately flinched at the contact and pulled away. I wasn't going to be a coward and walk away so I looked him in the eye and coldly said,"See you in class Mr. Castles".
He gave me a stern look,"Aria we need to talk about last n-".
I inturrupted him,"See you in class Mr. Castles".
I didn't even give him a chance because I ignored himand started to walk away, towards the other direction. I flinched and stopped in my tracks, though, when I heard someone loudly bang the lockers. I didn't even waste my time turning around because I already knew it was Parker who had done it.
So much for having a good day Aria.
"When you think about unfairness, what do you guys think about?", asked Parker as he started to pace back and forth in front of the classroom.
I was bored and frankly, I couldn't wait to leave this classroom which was not going to happen until a good 15 minutes.
I wanted to go home because apparently Julian was coming home today and I wanted him to take me to the park. The park had a special meaning for both him and I.
When Parker realized that nobody was going to answer he threatened to call on people. And he decided to pick on me."Ms. Fields", he said, raising an eyebrow,"Would you like to answer?".
I sat up on my chair and looked him directly in the eyes,"Betrayal. When I think of unfairness I think of betrayal".
He stopped pacing and asked me,"And when you think of betrayal?".
I rolled my eyes but spat out,"People who stab you in the back when you least expect. When you most need them. I think of people who hurt other people".
He he thought about my words and then furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. What an asshole! He opened his mouth and spoke,"So unfairness, to you, means betrayal. Betrayal is when one leads astray, when people lie. So is it considered unfairness when one lies to protect?".
The class all of a sudden turned to face Parker and I, engaged in our discussion.
I thought about his question carefully before answering, "Verisimilitude is a guard within itself. I consider it inconspicuous when one decides to lie to "protect" because you can never expect good from a dishonest person. You can never trust them to guard the innocent".
His eyes twinkled with amusement as he laughed at my answer,"You didn't answer the question Ms. Fields. Is it considered unfairness when one lies to protect?".
The bell rang as he asked the question but everybody stayed seated, butt glued to the chair, and waited for me to respond to the question,"I consider it bullshit".
As soon as the words left my lips, my classmates quietly filed out of the classroom and, in no time, the classroom was left deserted.
As I was gathering my things, I heard Parker sigh. He walked to my desk,"Aria, we need to talk. We can't just just act like like-".
I shooked my head in rage,"Why did you ask that question in class? Lie to protect? Where the hell did that come from?!".
He took a seat next to me,"I shouldn't have asked you in class. I shouldn't have tested you like that either, I was just pissed off".
"Well that was really stupid of you, Mr. Castles, because everybody knew something was up. It's also something very immature to do", I said standing up.
He automatically stood up and grabbed my arms. Then he walked to the whiteboard and gently pushed me against it, using his right arm to pin my own arms above my head,"For starters, you know my name Aria so use it. Second of all, nothing compares to the immaturity you showed yesterday. Who the heck day drinks at 17?!".
I was infuriated,"Parker, you've known me for like, what, 4 days? You think you own me? For God's sake, do you really think you know me? I have enough of that ridiculous behavior with Milton, I don't need you. And you know what, call me a bitch because that's what I am when it comes to idiots like you".
He stayed quiet for a moment, registering everything I just said. "Okay, so you're right. I did only meet you 4 days ago. But I want to get to know you Aria. And I want you to get to know me. Don't compare me to that dickwad of Milton because I'm not like him. And I was wrong. I'm so sorry Aria because you are not a bitch. You are a beautiful wonderful girl. I want to get to know you", he said as he caressed my face with his left hand. He titled his head towards the crook of my neck and started to leave a trail of small kisses from behind my ear to the end of my collarbone.
I moaned and sucked in a breath when he had found my sweet spot. He smirked and went to attack my lips.
The kiss started off sweet and gentle. You know, a fairytale type of kiss where the boys saves the girl. But then the kiss quickly changed when his tounge traced my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I didn't allow. No, No, No. I was way to pissed off to let him in that easily. When he realized that I wasn't letting him in, his hands started to go down my ass and squeezed it, lifting me up. I let out a squeal as I wrapped my legs around his torso, giving him an entrance to my mouth. What a cheater! The kiss, which was never broken apart despite all the action, turned into a rough and passionate type of kiss, the type that I love.
We soon broke apart and Parker placed his forehead on mine, both of us panting as we tried to catch our breath,"I need to get to know you".
He let me go safely on the floor and I walked to my desk to get my things. Does this guy really think I'm that easy?
As I walked to my desk, I noticed an unfamiliar black circle hanging from the roof of the classroom."Parker, what is that?", I asked pointing to the figure.
He looked at it,"It's a camera. They installed them during winter brea- Oh shit, it's a camera!".
I grabbed my things and walked towards him,"Do you realize that that thing records everything going on in the classroom, 24/7? Parker, we're dead. We're done! They're going to expell me and they're going to give you an orange jumpsuit along with a nice stay in a jail cell! Parker, somebody saw that! Somebody must have seen our little make out scene-".
He grabbed my shoulders in reassurance,"It's fine. Nobody is going to jail and nobody is getting expelled. All we need to do is get the tape".
I pushed his hands off of me. We didn't need anymore compromising footage. "And what about the person who watched the footage? Parker there's always someone watching the cameras!", I whisper yelled.
He thought about it and shook his head,"Security had off today. Something about not wanting to miss the taco special at Mr. Paco Taco".
I gave him an 'are you serious' look and he just shrugged, "Edward's at that too".
"How are we going to get the tape?", I asked.
He laughed and shook his head,"Aria you can't expect me to come up with a 5 star plan right now. Can you come to my apartment?".
I widened my eyes,"You can't just expect me to go by your apartment after everything. Uggh, I just want to scream! We're so tangled by all of our shit that I just want to throw myself out of a fucking window right now!".
"It's either my apartment your your house but we need to talk Aria. The sooner we do the faster all of our shit will be cleared up", he said.
I shook my head,"Not my house, Julian just got here and I wouldn't want him seeing you".
He put a hand to his heart,"Your embarrassed of me?".
I rolled my eyes,"Your my English teacher, remember!".
He dropped his hand and mummbled,"Oh, yeah".
I smiled. After all of this mess, he still managed to be cute,"Besides, the last time he saw you was when you jumped out of my window. I'll go by your apartment".
He grabbed my cheek and quickly pecked my lips,"See you there, Princess".