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College graduation was the event that made everything worth it. Not just the four years of midterms, final exams, and senior papers, but all of the years of schooling that had led up to graduation. The day after Mother's Day was the Louisiana State University commencement ceremony for the class of 2016 and Demi was excited, but not as excited as she would've been if she was actually graduating.

Something, more like someone, had thrown a wrench in her plans. At the beginning of last summer she discovered that she was pregnant, and even though she tried her best to stay in school, she just couldn't. But she still couldn't go home either. Her parents hadn't talked to her in years and basically wanted nothing to do with her. Towards the end of her pregnancy, she ended up going to live with Odell's mother, since it was his baby, until they could find a nice apartment together. Demi could still graduate, but not until December. It was a little disheartening because she had been looking forward to attending graduate school but now she just didn't have time. She didn't even have a job, and it's because Odell promised that he would take care of her and their baby, which wouldn't be hard considering that he had just gotten drafted to the New York Giants. 

But she was happy. The light of her life was three months old and she wouldn't trade her in for the world. She had given birth to a little girl on Valentine's Day and named her Kalila Aiko, Kali for short. It wasn't exactly how she had planned her life out, but she was content with the way that things had turned out.

"Odell Beckham Junior." Odell's entire row of family stood up and cheered for him as he walked across the stage and accepted his diploma. She was insanely proud of her boyfriend and knew how hard he had worked to walk across that stage. She wished that she could've walked across with him, but knew that that simply wasn't possible.

"My baby is a college graduate!" Odell's mother exclaimed after the ceremony. She took him into her arms and then made his dad take a picture of them. Then he took pictures with the rest of his family while Demi was off to the side rocking their child while everyone said their congratulations.

"Demi, get over here!" Heather said, lightly grabbing her arm and tugging her towards them.

"Congratulations baby," Demi said, standing on the tips of her toes to peck his lips. Odell took Kali out of her arms and kissed her cheek, causing the sleeping baby to squirm in his arms before opening her eyes.

"Let me get a picture of you guys," Heather said, causing Odell to wrap his arm around Demi's waist and pull her closer to him. She held Kali while he held his degree and Heather snapped the picture.

"Just beautiful!" She gushed as Demi turned to Odell.

"So um, I made reservations at your favorite restaurant. I was thinking that we could celebrate tonight while your mom watches Kali," Demi said as Odell scratched the back of his neck. She did make the reservations to celebrate him and his graduation but she also just wanted to stay out of the house for a little bit longer. She felt like a hermit because since she gave birth, she rarely got to leave the house unless she really needed something.

"Actually, I was gonna go out and celebrate with the guys. But we can go out to dinner tomorrow," Odell responded as Demi purses her lips but nodded anyways. She wasn't gonna object. If he wanted to hang out with his friends she would let him, because it was his day and partying all night was more probably more fun than dinner with your girlfriend.

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you when you get back home." Odell leaned down to kiss her again, then kissed Kali's forehead and hugged everyone goodbye before going to find his friends.

"Demi, are you still coming over?"

"No I think I'm just gonna head home. Kali and I will have a quiet night. But maybe we can all meet for brunch or something tomorrow if Odell isn't too tired from all the festivities," Demi suggested as they began to exist the venue.

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