Chapter 15

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"When I first moved I met Kerri, she was my room mate and she was nice to me. We got along but to begin with we were friends with different groups. We were completely different from each other but you wanna hear the strange thing?"

I felt his gaze lingering on me as I was speaking but I continued to stare out at the lake. When didn't answer, I continued.

"I was more accepted there then she was. I mean, you should have seen these girls Zac. They looked like models, you probably would have loved it. The minute I stepped into that school my first thought was wheres the bathroom so I could hide away."

"Anyway, they weren't how I expected them to be, they were all so nice and welcoming. I, uh, I told them about my life before I moved there and they helped me..alot. Eventually I began talking more to Kerri, she was shy back then believe it or not. I think she helped me the most out of everyone, sure the other girls helped when it came to my appearance, saying looking good on the outside makes you feel good on the inside but they were wrong. Kerri helped me mentally and emotionally."

"It was through her I met Wilson and Andy. Wilson and I hit it off straight away, we loved jokes and pranks and then there was our whole plan on getting Kerri and Andy together. He was like my brother, he risked alot for me." I said pursing my lips as the memory hit me.

"Do you remember Kerri mentioning a guy named Tyler?" I didn't wait for an answer. "I met him a year after I moved there. He was a real Jerk so I decided to go on one date with him and then just completely block him if it went horribly wrong but he was really sweet, until his mother died. This had been four months after we started dating and suddenly, he was....different."

"He started acting out and became more violent...he even got a tattoo which was a big deal for him. Another four months later I found out he joined a gang. Don't ask me why I stayed with him cause I can't answer that. One night he forced me into going to this party and things just didn't go to plan."

"I'd rather not go into detail so I'll just cut to the point. I was drugged and almost raped, luckily Wilson knew where I was and when I didn't pick up the phone he came and rescued me, I'll just always be grateful that he got there in time. I told him not to call my family or to tell anyone in that matter."

"I'll never be able to thank him enough, he basically saved my life. Tyler hurt me in more ways then one and now, I'm really scared about being hurt again. So, over all, Spain was interesting." I said shaking my head before turning towards him. "So, what about you? What'd I-Zac, your bleeding!" I said grabbing his hand. "Did you punch something?" I asked shocked that I'd compleetly missed it.

"The rock is harder then it looks." He said flattly. I dropped his hand and crossed my arms.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked and he just shrugged. "Come on Zac, I've been completely honest with you." He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Which reason do you want?" I frowned and tilited my head confused. There was more then one reason? "First off, I was a complete bastard for making your live hell, you didn't deserve it. Secondly, if I ever lay hands on that guy I swear I'll kill him painfully slowly." He said through gritted teeth.

"Zac," I sighed softly. "It's fine, I'd like to keep the past just that. I've moved on, you should to." He gave me a small smile and shifted my position on the rock. "So, your turn."  

"Well, honestly, there's not a lot to say. The whole issue happened with my sister and that was it. Everything else was just....the same." He shrugged.

"Okk....." I said dragging the word. I needed more then that so if he wasn't going to say it out straight I'll will. "What about college? University? You've had to have handed in some application forms."

"Yeah, I sent some into near by colleges." I sighed slightly thinking of my next question. "But I'm hoping to be accepted into Yale to study music." Now we're getting somewhere.

"Really?" I asked taken by surprise.

"Yes, really. I haven't told anyone yet though, just incase I don't get in." I was even more surprised when he acted nervous, I knew he liked music, he lived in our music room when we were little.

"I remember your music and if it's as good as it was back then you have nothing to worry about." He snorted and looked at me. "What?" I asked when he gave me a yeah-whatever look. He cleared his throat before trying to do an impersonation of me.

"Turn that cow sucking music down before I tear out the cords and sell them to a homeless guy!" I started laughing at his failed attempt of a girls voice.

"Ok, firstly, I sound nothing like that!" I said hitting his chest making him chuckle. "And secondly, I only did it to annoy you guys, just like the time I unscrewed the top of the salt when you went to use it on your meal and ended up getting a pile of salt and throwing away your meal." I said quickly and gave him my innocent smile.

"That was you!" He exclaimed. "I was really looking forward to that steak." He pouted.

"You got over it." I rolled my eyes.

"You owe me a steak." He pointed.


"But, uh, thanks anyway." I smiled over at him and looked out as the sun started descending. We sat in silence for a few seconds but then a question poped into my head that I really wanted to know the answer to.

"Why do you act like such a Jerk?" I shut my eyes and mentally cursed myself for just out right asking the question like that.

"Well, I, uhh.."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just asked you like that." I said reopening my eyes.

"It's fine, just caught me off guard but um, I don't really have an answer. I guess, I've just always been afraid of getting into a relationship with some one, letting her get close enough to hurt me or for me to hurt her. You've seen my parents, I dont want to end up like them."

Zac's mum and dad always used to argue, hence why he's always at our house, he never understood why they just didn't get a divorce. He doesn't like the idea of it but at least they'd be happier and he wouldn't have to listen to them every night.

"You know, with you it's different." His voice said bringing me out of my thoughts and it took me a while to register what he had said. I turned to look at him finding he was already looking at me. He shifted his weight onto the right hand and brought his left to brush a peice of my hair from my face.

"I don't know what it is about you but...all those thoughts go out the window and the only thing I want to do is to let you in and not push you away. I want to treat you right, not like my dad does to my mum. I want you and only you, since you've been back all the other girls just don't appeal to me the way you do."

I blushed, I mean come on! Any guy saying that would have made me blush but when it came from Zac, I turned as red as blood as my heart beat quickened.

"You're blushing." He sang and I pushed his arm away playfully. He put his arm around my shoulders and I leant my head on his shoulder. I sighed happily hoping this date wouldn't end.


Ciao X

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