As the boys walked into the great hall, Pansy dragged me to the side.
"So, what happened on the train?"
"Nothing." I blushed, grinning.
"Your eyes say a different story," Pansy commented, "They seem brighter."
I took a deep breath, "George and I kissed."
Pansy gasped, "Like an actual kiss?"
"He told me that he liked me, so I kissed him."
"You were gone for a while..." Pansy smirked.
"Ew, Pansy!" I laughed, "I'm only 13! We just cuddled while talking about pranks."
"Romantic." Pansy frowned, "Let's go back in before one of those idiots comes looking for us."
All throughout dinner, George and I kept glancing at each other. Theo seemed a bit suspicious but Draco and Blaise were too focused on their food to notice. At one point, Hermione smirked at me. The end of dinner couldn't come soon enough.
Dumbledore stood, "Welcome back, everyone! I hope that you had a wonderful break. Classes will resume as normal on Monday. Off you go, now!"
As everyone was leaving, I turned to my friends, "I'm going to go to the library. Bye!"
Pansy winked at me, pulling the three boys away from me. I had waited until most of the students had left the hall to make my way to the statue. Once I arrived, George popped out from behind the statue.
"Hello, love!" He grinned, lightly kissing me.
"Hi, Georgie." I blushed, "So, what are we going to do?"
"We're going to Honeydukes."
I raised my eyebrows, "What?"
"Come," He pulled me behind the statue, and muttered, "Dissendium."
I stood shocked as the statue popped out of place, revealing a door. George stepped into the door, holding his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand, trusting that this would really lead to Honeydukes.
"Lumos." We both whispered. The dirty hallway was immediately full of light, revealing a large spider web that was full of spiders and other insects. George squeezed my hand, quickly walking past the insects.
"Are you afraid of spiders?" I asked.
"A little bit," George mumbled, "I know, not very manly."
I frowned, "Being afraid of something doesn't make you any less of a man. It's only natural to have fears. Besides, spiders are pretty creepy."
George smiled slightly, "Are you scared of anything?"
Lucius, I thought.
"Heights." I shrugged.
Once we reached the end of the hall, George reached up and lowered a ladder. He climbed up first to make sure that the coast was clear.
"Come up!" George whispered.
The passage led to the back room in Honeydukes. We bought a few sweets, going back to Hogwarts. We sat on a windowsill in an empty corridor.
"Hardly anyone ever comes through here," George reassured.
"Let's play 20 questions!" I grinned, biting the head off of a chocolate frog.
"Alright," George grabbed a pumpkin pasty, "What's your favorite candy?"
"Pepper Imps. What's your favorite color?"
"Purple! Any shade, really. What's your wand core?"
"Dragon Heartstring. What's your favorite animal?"
"A dragon! What's yours?"
"A wolf. What do you want to be-"
"George! What are you doing out!" An angry red haired boy hissed, "It's almost curfew, I'll have you know! How will I look as head boy if I can't even control my brother?!"
"I'd reckon you'd still look like a prat," George mused.
George's brother stepped forward, "Who's this?"
"I'm Kalani." I smiled, "We were just going to go back to our common rooms, actually."
His eyes immediately went to my robes, "A Slytherin? Whatever. Go back to your common room. I need to talk to my brother."
George glared at his brother as I nodded, saying a quiet goodbye before running to the dungeons.
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Think Outside the Box
FanfictionKalani Malfoy has had the perfect life. She's been treated like a princess her entire life. But what happens when she meets a specific red headed boy?