Chapter 6: Those Eyes

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After Dean kissed me I broke down, "Please I can't be there for you and even if I could you deserve so much more" I sobbed. 

"Don't you dare push me away Jax... Please don't" he said with tears in his eyes. 

"I'm scared of letting you down...or that you'll want to be with someone else" I choked out crying uncontrollably. 

He held me to his heart that was beating loud. "I don't want anyone else" he said quietly. I just sobbed uncontrollably until I fell asleep to his heartbeat.


He finally fell asleep, I needed to bring him to bed. I got up and went to Sam's room where Isaboe and him were. Sam had a smile on his face until he saw Jax. I put Jax down in his bed before turning back to Sam. He looked at me and I motioned for him and Isaboe to follow me.

"What did you do!" Sam whisper-yelled.

I started to have tears come down my face, "He's scared I'll get tired of him and find someone else if we go any further" I chocked out. "He doesn't think he is good enough for me and that he can't take care of me!" I said as Isaboe hugged me.

"He is just scared...I never saw you look at anyone like you looked at him" Sam said before looking back at his room. We walked back into his room to see that Jax wasn't in his bed anymore. We heard water running and than the most angelic voice start to sing.

Once he finished I started to cry my eyes out and that is when I heard him say my name.


I woke up in my bed to the sound of crying. I wanted to take a shower to clear my head. I felt the ground shake and thought someone walked down the hall and I started to sing one of my favorite songs. When I finished the song I got out of the shower and slid into my pj's when I heard the crying again much louder.

I ran out to my balcony and yelled, "Dean?"

He lifted his head from his hands and his face is tears stained. I looked and saw Sam and Isaboe with tears in their eyes.

"Oh god no...You weren't suppose to hear that I cried before running back into my house and hiding under bed until I cried myself to sleep. 

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to my desk. I needed to get my emotions out before I hurt myself or worse someone I love. After I finished writing it I thought I would use it for school since none of them are in my writing class. I put the poem in my backpack before going into bed and falling back asleep.

+++The Next Morning+++

I woke up to Sam rocking me and calling my name. I couldn't look at him so I kept my head down. We ate breakfast and he drove me to school. When we got there my eyes almost rolled out of my head. I looked at the giant poster and to Sam.

"There is a poetry slam?" I asked.

"Yeah everyone in writing is participating" he said.

"And no one wanted to tell me!"

He looked at me, "No one told you?"

"Yea no one told me and the only poem I brought today...OH GOD NO" I said petrified.

"Look you'll be great I have heard some of them before...I'll be rooting for you in the audience"

"What audience!"

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