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'Mrs Masters......Mrs Masters...Connie...CONNIE' Charlie shook her shoulder 'sorry yes, we need x rays booked for neck...actually I want full body x rays to make sure she didn't break anything, we need fbc, bloods, warming blankets and has anyone called her parents?' Robyn was holding her bag, 'I'll do that now Mrs Masters' Connie nodded.

'We've lost output' Connie stood there frozen, her eyes widen, Charlie pushed past her and started chest compressions, Connie looked down at the girls lifeless body, closing her eyes she pictured the five year old girl smiling up at her calling her name, 'Connie.....Connie.....CONNIE' she shook her head 'yes, let's charge them to 50..... clear' her body moving off the bed, Connie trying to keep herself composed, Charlie checked he shook his head 'charge to 100.....clear' Charlie checked and shook his head 'charging to 150.....clear' closing her eyes praying it had mad her heart start again, she opened her eyes to see Charlie looking at her and smiling 'we have a pulse'.

2 hours later, the X-ray were clear, although the young girls body was cold and her head wound needed stitching, Connie sat by the girls bed, she took her hand.

'Millie....I....I can't believe I get to see you in person....well I mean...I actually get to see you this close...I've seen you in person many times but you just never knew....what got you into this mess hey, mum will do her nut at you, but don't worry I'll make sure dad sticks up for you' her thumb rubbing over the young girls hand, just then Charlie walked into resus 'Connie' he raised an eyebrow 'I...I...I came to stitch her head wound' he raised an eye brow 'I'll do it, you can get back to your paperwork now' she shook her head 'I want to do it' Charlie stepped closer 'Connie what is going on?' As she went to answer Robyn opened the resuscitate door 'Mrs Masters her careers are here now?' Connie looked at Robyn 'Carers?' She nodded 'she in foster care, they say she a wild one'.

Connie looked back down at her, she stroked the young girls forehead, whispering 'what happened to my little Millie love bug?', she looked back at Robyn 'I'll be out in a moment' Charlie looked at Connie with a confused face 'Connie care to explain' she sighed walking towards the door 'No' Charlie followed her out and stood with her while talking to the carers.

'Hello I'm Mrs Masters and I've been the consultant working on..it's Millie isn't it? Do you know why she'd want to hurt herself in this way' She smiled at women moved closer to the window looking in on Millie 'yeah Millie her name, I'm Sarah her foster carer, she a lovely girl, she...she just have some issues, she has been pushed from pillar to post since she came into care, she think I'll give up on her like the others, she builds these walls so high around her, she doesn't let anyone in, but I see it, I see the scared little girl who just wants to be loved, I see the girl who just wants her family, I see the girl who just wants time to go back, she not a bad girl honestly people...they...they just don't understand her, today, today it's a hard day for her, she does this every time it's his birthday or a special day that meant something to them' a tear rolled does her cheek, 'I knew I should have kept her in, I knew I should have locked her bedroom windows but...but I want to trust her' breaking down into Charlie arms 'she'll be okay, she just needs to warm up' he said trying to soothe her 'she has a nasty head wound which will probably leave a scar but it's in the hairline so it won't show, she'll need to stay here tonight, so we can keep an eye on her, maybe you should go home, get her some pjs and something that will help calm her when she wakes' Sarah looked at Connie 'yes she'll want her things, did she have her locket when she came it? She'll be distraught if she has lost that' Connie looked to Charlie 'I'll check her things' Charlie walked in to the room and started looking.

Connie looked to Sarah 'Can I ask how did she end up in care?' Sarah looked back to Millie 'Her parents they died, a terrible car crash' a lump rose in Connie throat, she tried to hold back the tears 'her mother lasted until the hospital but sadly they couldn't save her but Millie got to say goodbye, she doesn't talk about it thou, they only thing she says is, she wishes she was with her dad in the car and not her mother'.

Charlie walked out holding the locket in his hand 'thankgod, its the only thing she has left of her sister, right I'll go and get her things before she wakes up'.

Connie couldn't speak she just nodded, when Sarah left she walked away to her office, Jacob calling after her but she closed the door in his face, Charlie walked up behind him, he placed a hand on his shoulder 'Don't take it personally I think this case is, hitting home and she doesn't want to admit it' Jacob nodded, he pushed the office door handle down and slowly walked in, she her on the floor by the wall crying in to her knees, he rushed over and held her not asking any questions but just holding her while she cried, Charlie closed the door and put up a sign saying 'Do not disturb'.

After 20 minutes her sobs slowly stopped, when he looked down at her he found she was asleep on him, he gently, lifted her up and laid her on the sofa, he walked outside and found Charlie 'how is she?' He sighed 'Asleep, Charlie I've only ever seen her like that once before and that was back in uni when I first met her' Charlie sighed and signal for him to follow, they stood outside resus 'Her names Millie, I don't know what she has to do with it but this is the patient she was working on, why don't you stitch her head wound and see if you can make any sense out the situation'.

Jacob walked in and read the notes on the patient, talking to himself 'nothing to notice on them' he sighed and walked over to the young women, he smiled own looking at her, she reminded him of someone 'What's a pretty girl like you drinking vodka and walking on the railings Ey? Something serious if you want to end up in the sea at the night in the cold' his phone started ringing, he walked away to answer it.

'Hey ma, how is my little lady bug?....give her kisses from me, tell her mummy and daddy love her lots and we're collect her soon' Millie started to stir 'night night my little bug, I love you' Millie's eyes slowly opening 'Daddy' her voice sad and huskily 'Daddy is that you', 'I've got to go ma see you soon' 'Daddy' she began to cry, he walked over 'Hey I'm staff nurse masters but you can call me Jacob, you're in Holby ED' she looked her her slightly smile faded 'I..I...thought I...' she turned on her side 'it doesn't matter' he touched her shoulder 'Millie isn't it?' She didn't respond 'can I call your dad for you?' She rolled over to look at him in the eyes 'only if your phone makes phone calls to the dead!' His eyes widen she rolled back on her side staring out the window 'you can go now!' He sighed I need to stitch your wound up 'I said I'm fine, it's fine just go' 'Millie' she turned around and glared at him, a glare he thought he'd seen before 'just fuck off, I don't need you, I don't need anyone, LEAVE ME ALONE' he backed away 'Okay Miss Smith' she looked at him weird 'I'm not Smith, I'm Chase, Millie Chase' a light bulb clicked in his head he nodded and walked away.

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