Speak of the future

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So tell me when to say stop
Tell me please
Oh tell me when because I don't know
I need to know when to say it and leave.
You're just going to sit there
So why should I stay here with you
When you'll just sit there
Looking dead to me, staring dead in my eyes.
I don't feel like doing that
Watching you sit there, holding it there
That damn switch blade you love so much.
I don't even care what you do
I don't feel that pain anymore about you
I have had my own pain that's numbed me too.
So do, oh do it darling
Just remember do it fast please
And while your moving so quick scream
Scream stop for me
Scream it darling, scream it at the pain
To leave you alone.
Scream it to the voices in your brain
Scream so loud darling you lose your voice
Scream stop at the top of your lungs. Do it quick, for me
So I can leave before you open your eyes
Those deep pits of black
That suck me in every time.
I'll leave so quick you won't see me
You'll fade away, alone
I know I should feel bad
But how can I, I can't feel that today
I lost it, for you darling
So tell me when to stop
I'll stop begging because you'll say it
I know you will
I see you fight those voices
You'll scream at them and I'll leave you
I'll leave like you wanted a while ago
I'll walk with out looking back at those enchantingly eyes I loved.
I'll walk and never come back
Because I don't need to
And I don't want to
You deserve to know what it's like to live
So cold and alone.
I'll walk away and while I'm leaving I'll call them
Your much despised enemy
And they'll save you
Then you'll get to live alone and cold
Just like I did.
So tell me when to stop darling
Tell me when to stop being there in your life
So I can leave you to suffer alone.

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