Chapter III

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Jorge pov

I'm in the plane on my way home. There were a lot of paparazzi trying to talk with me about Stephie, but I ignored them.

I don't care about what everyone may think, the only one who matters is Tini.

I arrive at Tini's house and I ring the bell. A tall guy opens the door and when he sees me his eyes get big.

"What the hell are you doing here?", he asks me rudely. "I could ask you the same thing", I say.

"I'm here to support Tini. I think that's pretty normal after all what you did to her"

"Pepe, who's there?", I hear Tini's voice screaming. I push that Pepe guy out of my way and go to where the voice came from, the living room.

There I see Tini, sitting in her pyjamas. "It's me", I say. The ice cream she was eating falls out of her hands when she sees me.

She stares shocked at me and I can see tears forming in her eyes. "See what you've done, you asshole!", Pepe yells at me, but I don't understand what I've done wrong.

"Can I talk to Tini for a second?", I ask him. "No, ofcourse not. What the hell are you thinki-", but he gets interrupted by Tini: "It's okay, Pepe" Pepe walks out the room giving me an angry look.

"Hi", I say. But she doesn't responds, she just keeps staring shocked at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Martina, I'm so sorr-", but she cuts me of: "You're sorry for what Jorge? For leaving me alone? For don't picking up my phonecalls? Or going on a holiday with your new girlfriend? And don't you dare to say you didn't want to! I saw you kissing her and God knows what else you did?!"

I want to say something but she starts talking again: "But hey, do what you want, you can have sex with her as much as you want because she's your girlfriend and I'm not.."

She lets her head fall down in her hands and keeps crying.

"I didn't have sex with her, Martina, believe me" "You know what, Jorge? I don't believe you. And even if I would, it doesn't matter anymore. You're with her now and I, I will find my way. I hope you're happy, Jorge" she says and walks out the room I want to follow her but Pepe doesn't let me.

"Leave her alone", he says. "Okay, but I'll come back and fight for her, I love her, this is not the end!" I scream and leave her house.

Tini pov

I hear Jorge screaming. Would he really love me? But if he does, than why did he kiss Stephie?

I hear Jorge leaving and I go back to Pepe. He takes me in his arms. "Shht, you're too beautiful to cry" he whispers and wipes my tears. His hands rest on my cheeks.

He comes closer and I can feel his warm breath against my face. I look into his eyes and see him looking at my lips.

He keeps coming closer but I pull my face away. "I'm sorry, Pepe", I say while I run away from him.

I hear him screaming my name, but I don't respond. I love Pepe, but not in that way.

Not in the way I love Jorge, but I don't think I will ever love someone as much as I love Jorge. I can't help he's the love of my life.

I get interrupted of my thoughts by Pepe who walks in. "Tini, I'm so-", he starts but I cut him of: "No, it's okay" "Just friends?", I ask him. "I'll try", he says smiling, what makes me smile too.

"So what about, go eat an ice cream or something?", he asks me. "Actually I already was eating ice cream", I say pointing to the bucket of ice cream. He laughs.

"Well than we can just eat the rest of the ice cream with some Netflix?", he asks me. "Okay, but no chill", I say laughing. "Sure"

Sooo that was my tirth chapter! Hope you enjoy my story!

//I'm out\\

Xoxo Jorgista

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