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          I pulled  out my phone. 4:07. I'd be in Massachusetts in a few minutes. Be to Cape cod by the time the sun will be up. Hopefully Noah can keep the secret. I had to call. Roman has no idea where I grew up. He'd look all over Ohio. He'd never find me. He's wasting his time.
"Well folks, welcome to Massachusetts."
The bus driver seemed like a nice man but, this is a pretty crappy bus company if they let me get on a bus alone and travel 800 miles.

Roman POV:
"What'd she say."
"That she's going back home."
"She said she called to tell you to stop looking. She saw the video. said your wasting your time. She's going back home to Cape Cod."
"That's it."
"That's it. She wants to go home."
I kept my eyes on the road.
"We better make the flight." The flight leaves at 5. Its 4:37 and we were just pulling in.
"Security better no take long."

Erin POV:
A smile quickly grew across my face as the borne bridge came into view.
"You ever been to Cape Cod?" The man sitting across from me said.
"No." I said smiling. I didn't want to leave any mark that it was me on the bus. The two people on the bus will probably never know but I couldn't be more careful.
   I watched pit the window as we drove over the bridge.
"I'm home." I whispered. The sun came up over the canal.
    The bus pulled into it's stop. I pulled silent my bag from the overhead bin. I swung it around my shoulders. I jumped off the bus. I had about 10 miles to walk. My phone started to buzz.
"Wait! Don't hang up- I'm coming to Cape cod."
"No!" I quickly hung up the phone. "Shit." I whispered. Noah told him. He was coming. Hopefully he won't don't find me. Cape cod had 15 towns. It would take him forever. He's have to give up.

Noah POV:
  I watched out the window as the plan started to land.
"Welcome to Boston." The captain said.
"Noah. Did she say where on Cape Cod she was."
"Well we're not there yet. 60 more miles to go." Dad said standing up out o his seat.

     We drove for nearly an hour until coming upon a bridge.
"We're about to be on Cape Cod. Try calling Erin."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. She'll answer you."
I pulled out my iPod and called Erin.
"You rated me out!"
"I'm sorry. He heard the conversation and asked."
"Where is he."
"Um- we're kinda almost on Cape Cod."
"You have to convince him to go back. It's a waste of time. There's 15 towns and I could be in anyone of them."
"Which one?"
"Now telling. For all you know I might be in Ohio."
"Than Britney would find you."
"Well, I'm not telling you where I am."
"Bye Noah."
"Erin wait-"
The phone beeped. "She hung up."
"And you have no idea where she is."
"Nope. She's really mad at me."
"Can you blame her."
"You made me tell you."

Erin's POV:
I couldn't believe what was happening. I had to find a place to go.
    I trudged also no the side walk. 3 more miles. Then I could find shelter. Slowly I'd get back to my old life. Going to school, fishing with Todd, having sleepovers with besties and watching the Atwood's vlogs, not living them.

     I softly knocked on the door. It creaked open.
"ERIN?!?" Todd said.
"What the fuck are you doing here." He said pushing his hair out of his face.
"You were adopted by Roman Atwood and Britney smith. You missed this place and ran away."
"And the reason you came to my house, you've fallen for the Todster."
"Ew. Don't be gross. Your not the ladies man you think you are. And this is hardly a house. More like an old shack by the water."
"Ha ha very funny."
"Ok. Look can you hide me here for a few hours until school starts."
"Fine. For five buck."
"Here." I said slapping a five in his hand.

      When my watch hit 7:30 I sighed of relief. I just have to go to school and have a normal day.
"Bye Todd!" I yelled walking out the door.

      I stood at the bus stop. Hopefully no one would notice. I lived down a mile long road that no one tracked on. I was one of the only kids on my bus. The other few rarely took the bus. The rickety bus pulled forward.
"Hey kid. Have a good weekend?"
"Yeah. Pretty, calm. Nothing much." I lied. I sat down in the back of the bus. Everything was normal again.

      I jumped of the bus. Time for the real challenge. Roman has over 10 million subscribers on his vlog channel. Who knows how many kids in the school know. It only takes one to start the rumor. 
"ERIN!" A voice screeched. I turned my head.
"RHIANNON!" I ran over. Rhiannon has been my best friend since kindergarten.
"Erin! Omg! The whole school is talking about you!"
"Why?" I said stupidly pretending I don't know.
"I don't know?"
I walked into the school.
"Erin!" A boy screamed.
"You. You were adopted by Roman Atwood. You ran away. And your at school."
"Look, Henry. Please please please don't tell Roman."
"How would I do that."
"I don't know. DM him, comment on his videos. I shouldn't be giving you ideas."
"I'm not promising anything."
"Fine. But please keep my secret."
I turned and walked to class. Everyone was pointing whispering and trying to get my attention. Clearly they found out. They better not tell Roman. There has to be like 600 kids in this school. Grades 5-8. They all are old enough to have social media. I'm screwed.

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