Wandered off? Kazan echoed in his head. Where to?
He knew Saber and Overbite were thinking the same thing.
"UH," Kazan said. "Well, you can serve as... Cashier. Or whoever sits behind the counter." He offered.
They nodded, and slid past him and towards the entrance. Should I pay them? He wondered.
Saber jumped behind the counter, while Overbite sat at one of the tables Kazan had made.
"What are we.... Selling?" Saber asked, and for the first time, Kazan noticed his giant front canine teeth. Heh... Like a saber-toothed tiger. That makes sense.
"I found you," hissed a voice. It sounded like Kazan's, but didn't at the same time. Before he knew it, he wasn't in the room anymore, and was instead floating in darkness.
"I've found you," said the voice again, making Kazan itch uncomfortably. He turned around in the blackness, and saw... himself.
It looked like Kazan, but didn't. Instead of Kazan's lively blue eyes, it had icy, endless blue ones. They were so much differant than Kazan's eyes.
"Who are you?" Kazan mouthed through the darkness, but before he knew it, he was back in reallity.
"Kazan?" Overbite's voice cut into Kazan's ears. For that moment, Kazan wondered if Frozenjaw had anything to do with Kazan's duplicate.
"I-i'm fine," Kazan said to Overbite. "Let's go on a stroll." Kazan didn't want to be in such tight places.
The open spaces of nature should comfort him. Shouldn't it?
"Okay," Saber meowed, agreeing quickly. As if he, too, felt the enclosing clastrophobia. Overbite seemed uncomfortable, though. As they stepped out, Overbite seemed more uncontent. "I think something bad's going to happen." He ran back in, unhappy.
Saber rolled his eyes. "Pft! Leave him. He's scared of bugs." Kazan noticed Overbite flinch, but ignored it. Wimp! Kazan thought.
Kazan suddenly noticed they were near Gupi Forest City. There, he wondered if he'd be recognized and arrested again.
He stepped back, and noticed Saber flinch. But knew that they'd be fine, if they didn't get caught.
They wondered through the streets, utterly bored.
"Kazan," Saber mewed. "Can I confide in you?"
Kazan nodded, even though he wasn't very sympathyzing.
"Okay," Saber said, taking a deep breath. "So... I miss them. Bristle, come back!" Saber fell over, bursting into tears.
That was.... Sudden. Kazan thought, nudging Saber back up. As he got back on his paws he continued.
"Bristle was my mate," Saber continued. "Confetti was our cub. I have no idea where they are anymore."
Bristle! I know her! Kazan thought, but let Saber go on: "They... I don't know why they left me."
Kazan nudged him again, feeling the need to say something.
“Oh.” Was all Kazan could say. He knew Bristle! Maybe he could take Saber to see her. But what about Confetti?
“Get up, will you?” Kazan urged Saber to his paws again. “I know where Bristle is.”
Saber seemed to brighten, until they heard pawsteps heading directly for them.
Kazan knew it was the police. There was no use in running, they were surrounded by three cops. We can’t go to jail now! Not when Saber is so close to Bristle!
Kazan noticed that one of the cops looked different. Dark amber eyes, dark black fur…. Disease is a police officer?!
He looked closer, and saw a badge that stated his authority. When did he get that?
Kazan threw his paws in the air, and pointed at Disease. “Arrest him! He’s the real threat!”
One of the police officers scoffed, then glared at Kazan. “You got no brain, boy. This here’s the chief.”
What?! Kazan couldn’t believe it. Disease was a kitsune-napper! He took Plague! Don’t the police know that?
“B-but,” Kazan stammered. How did Disease get a job as a police officer? Let alone become chief?
“Murdering,” one of the police snapped. “is a crime with a punishment of death.” They pulled out their guns, and directed them at Kazan. Disease put his gun down, and held up a picture. Kazan couldn’t believe it.
He was in it, pinning Frozenjaw down, with a gun. That can’t be me! He thought, and looked closer, and noticed, endless, icy eyes.
I’ve been framed!
He stepped back, and heard a gunshot. He shut his eyes, to scared to even breathe.