Adriana Pov
Doc: Zackary Lopez is fine we have him bandaged up he needs bed rest too! He's in room 229...
I grabbed Rell's hand and started running down the hallway.
You: ok you go see Tracy tell him i'll come see him after I go see Z
Rell: ok
He nodded his head and I went to door 229. Z was in there looking at the TV even though it was turned off.
Z: I wanna go home!
You: (sighs and sits next to him) cant
He looked at me like "Nigga please".
You: I mean look at you...your head is all bandaged up and you leg has a cast on in!
Z:i mean what happened, all I saw was guns and Jace!
You: you saved his life
Z: wheres everybody else?
You: Tracy took a bullet for me to the arm, Rell is checking up on him right now....and Marco took a bullet for Malla in the leg.....both get out the hospital today....
Z: well sh*t i'm going too!
He sat up and started talking off the stuff the doctors put on him.
Z: can you roll that wheel chair over here?!
You: Z you cant leave the hospital like this-
Z: i'll get it my self then-
You: NO! (sighs heavily and rolls wheelchair over to Z)
Z: (gets in the wheel chair)alright lets get the other niggas and be out!
You:Z i'm not-
Z: Adri I don't need your approval for anything i'll do this sh*t on my own!
You: fine
I opened the door for him and he rolled out immediately eyes fell on us. Just to get out the spot light I helped Z get to Tracy's room since he was struggling!
Tracy: Z? Nigga what you doing out of your room?!
Rell: yea!You got shot in your-
Z: head twice, leg/hand/chest once! Nigga I know but im still breathing tho and im leaving today!
Tracy: the doctors aint gonna let that happen!
Z: idgaf i'm still leaving! Besides I cant stay in no hospital I don't trust staying on the hospital, what if them niggas come back?! Huh?! Y'all quiet now?........
Tracy: man whatever yall ready to now?
Z: nigga didn't I just say I was!
Tracy: Aye! ....don't get smart, anyways Rell help me get my shirt on and Z you and Adri can got get Marco and already be at the door!
Rell: nigga that's gay why don't Adri help you!
Tracy: oh yea......Adri?-
Youi: fine!
Rell:(opens the door for Z) alright we out!
Z: (rolls out)
Rell:(leaves out behind him)
Rell: SHUT UP!
Tracy: they so dumb!
You: (giggles and helps Tracy put a shirt on)...thank you, for saving my life earlier...
Tracy: no problem!
We left out and walked home well all except for Marco and Z we had to push them home!
Rell: Z are you sure you ok?
Z: never better! Those bullets don't phase me!
Rell: you was crying when you was in the ambulance tho!
Z: nigga don't try to make me sound like a bitch! I heard what you said "who else is gonna be my nigga" "don't die man, we need you" slobbering and sh*t!
Marco: (busts out laughing)
Rell: I know you aint laughing, crying because of a little bullet in your leg!
Marco: -.- you aint even been shot so you cant talk about nobody else!
Tracy: niggas, niggas, niggas! We all cried like bitches today....except for me!(smiles big)
Z: (throws rock at Tracy)
Tracy: how you-
Z; don't worry about it!
We finally reached Tracy's house.
Malla: I think we should all stay here tonight!
My phone rang and it was Greg he sent me text message saying "Hey it's greg im sorry for the way I acted earlier and I want you to come by so I can show you how much i'm sorry!"
You: guys im finna go does anybody need anything before I go Z? Tracy?
You: k bye. Oh and by the way Tracy I have your car keys!
I took his car and went to Greg's house. Surprisingly his door as already open.
You: greg!
6 comments next chapter! Anyways I felt like making this chapter a comedy let me know what you thought was the funniest part!