The Scared Bellhop

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I'm so behind on this.... but I hopefully will update more often.


Shelby let out a soft groan as he opened her eyes. She found herself in the font of the hotel, the large grand doors behind her were closed.

She stood and found someone else there as well. He seemed about her height and wore a red and yellow fancy shirt and pants. A little round red hat rested on his head, a yellow stripe going around the middle.

But something was off about the man, gray fur covered his face and little ears stuck out from his hat. His hands looked too much like gray paws.

Worry covered his face as he looked at the girl, or it seemed like he was. His little gray eyes were pointed in opposite directions. Then Shelby noticed something, her bag was being held by him.

"Hey, you're the bellhop right?" He never responded. "Can you show me to my room please, I mean you have my bag an-" She was quickly cut off by a scream.

The bellhop and bolted down the lobby and down a hallway. "Hey wait!" Shelby called out, racing after him.

He turned a corner and bolted into a different room. Shelby came to a screaming halt in front of the door he went in. "Door one..." She mumbled out. She contiplated on whether she should go in or not. She wanted to leave but she needed to make sure he was okay.

She sighed and threw open the door, going in. As soon as he entered everything went black.


Shelby awoke and was quick to stand up. The scene before her was quite, interesting.

It looked like a normal city but everything was black, the buildings, the street and even the moon. The only thing that seemed to be a different color was the sky and street lights, both a blood red.

She looked to her left and saw the bellhop. "Oh... great... you followed." He grumbled before walking across the rooftop, making it to the edge.

"Of course I came!" She yelled at him. "You have my suitcase and you basically screamed than ran away." She said angrily.

He sighed, "Yeah I guess youre right, I just got scared." He said sheepishly. Shelby rolled her eyes and walked over to him.

"Why are you here?" She asked him, looking out at the city.

"I come here to relax." He said plainly.

"Relaly, this looks like heck, but nicer." She said looking at the sky.

"Pretty much is Shubs." He said as he spun around, a loud gun shot filled the air. Shelby yipped in fright and ducked, soon relizing the bellhop shot the gun. She looked across the rooftop and saw some black mist swirling up into he air, soon disappearing.

"W-what was that?!" She asked, standing up pointing towards were the  thing was supposedly standing.

"Demon... like I told you I come here to relax. So I keep the demons at bay." He said smoothly, making the gun dissappear.

Shelby was shocked. "I umm... I don't really understand." The bellhop rolled his eyes and threw a gun to the girl.

"Follow me, I'll explain everything." He said hopping off the side of the building. Shelby looked at the gun with uncertainty but gripped it and jumped off the building anyway.

She found the bellhop lurking in the shadows, she quickly joined him. "You, see this is a demon realm. I come here to relax and hunt." Shelby nodded, getting that much.

"I would actually come here even before I worked at the hotel. That's how I met Mr. Z." He said happily. They had started to walk into a dark ally way.

"My real name at the time was Ross, but I prefer bellhop." He said as he stuck close to the brick wall.

"So how did you meet Mr. Z?" She asked, staying close behind him.

"I was killing some demons as usual but I came across one that was out of my league. I think he said his name was 46 or something like that." Ross said casually.

(That's a reference! If you get it I love you!)

Shelby nodded. "It was around the age of ten or twelve when this happened. He trapped me in a corner, and I had run out of ammo in both guns." Shelby looked down at the gun in her hand as they stopped.

"He kept on ranting on how my soul would taste so delicious or something like that, it was really annoying. Anyway, he was about to kill me when he got flung aside, by Mr. Z of course." He said as he clung to the chin link fence I'm front of him and hopped over it.

"After the brawl that Mr.Z had with 46, Z being the winner, he took me to the hotel. He told me that this was my place, but to be careful." He said as Shelby hopped down from the fence.

"Wow, he really cares about you." She said happily.

"Yeah, kinda like the father I never had..." He said with a smile. They had now made it into the open street.

"Hey, wanna gave a contest?" Ross said as they made it in the center if the road.

"Umm sure?" Shelby said uncertainly.

Ross smiled. "Whoever gets a hundred demon kills first." He stated. "If you win, you can leave. If I win, you stay for another try." He said with a smile.

"D-deal.." She said, not sure if she was gonna win at all. Ross then tossed her another gun.

"Be prepared, they form pretty quickly." He said as he took put a whistle from his pocket. He blew into it but it made no sounds. Suddenly the sound of things hitting the floor sounded all around them.

Demons if many shapes and sizes started to form. "Oh god..." shiny mumbled as she readied her guns.

"Ready. Set. Go!" Ross yelled and his gun shots fired through the air. The demons lunged at the two, but Shelby was on her toes.

She handled the gun with ease, like she had done it before. She looked at Ross and saw he had a number over his head, it was at 25 and was slowly going up.

Sh wanted to see how many she had but her attention got occupied by a group of monsters. She shot then one by one, making to stay put of the reach of their sharp claws and weapons.

Suddenly and loud bell sounded and the demons scattered into the shadows. Shelby took and deep breath and looked at Ross. He had the number 87 over his head.

Shelby smiled, knowing what this meant. "Congrats..." Ross mumbled, smiling.

"Thanks." She said giving the guns back. "They felt like I've used those before.... maybe in a past life I was a secret agent!" She said happily.

Ross rolled his eyes. "Maybe, now since you won, you get to leave." He said as he flicked his pointer and middle finger at Shelby.

Shelby's vision faded to black and she felt like she was thrown into the air. Not even seconds later she felt something hard hit her body. She groaned and tried to keep her eyes open, but failed miserably, as darkness consumed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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