Chapter 7

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Eren's POV//

I had been flying for about ten minutes, and my wings were quite tired. I haven't used them in a long time, and using them this long after not using them, they aren't working well. So I land on the ground, and search for the castle.


I've been walking through the Dark Woods for a while now, when I see a small bit of red brick through the trees.

I have been searching for my father's castle. I am Satan's son, and since I live on earth, I am supposed to tell him everything that happens.

Since some demons are extremely reckless, we try and catch them, and exterminate them. By 'We', I mean My immediate family. This includes me, my father, my mother, and sister, Mikasa. My father created her so I could have a friend, but I call her my sister. She must be lonely, down in hell all alone, while I'm up above with all these humans. Anyway, back to my point.

Many demons that find out they are being searched for, travel to earth to get away. I was sent to earth to banish them. But now, it seems like I'm the reckless one. Someone saw me. But they don't know it was me, don't know who the victim was.

I still have to tell Dad my strengths are weakening somehow.


Walking up to the castle doors, I knock. I haven't seen my family in... Nearly 3 decades.

The door opens, and Bill, the butler, welcomes me.

"Hello Eren. Nice to see you. It's been a while. Please, come in. Your father is in the kitchen."
"Thank you Bill. Nice to see you too!"

I walk into the huge castle, and turn right, into the kitchen.

"Hello, father!" I say in a cheery voice.

He turned around from the counter, clearly eating a Twinkie, his mouth full. "Eren! Your home!" He smiles with his mouth full.

"Oh- Uh, ew. But yes, I am home. For a week. We have to talk."

He throws away the wrappers and puts away a big box, and sits down on a stool at a table. He points to the seat next to him. I looked at him, interlacing my fingers together over the table.

"A human saw me feed on a man. He doesn't know it's me, doesn't know the victim. I am just confused as to how I did not sense the person. Am I losing my great senses? Have I just been on earth for a little too long?"

"That can't be the cause. You can't just be on earth for too long. You just need to pay more attention. It's fine, as long as you don't get caught again."

I nodded. "Well, I'm home for a week. Where's Mikasa?"

"Up in her bedroom. You should go say hi, probably freak her out a little."

I nodded and headup to wherever I think Mikasa's room is.


Levi's POV//

Classes are over and I'm heading up to the coffee shop to work my shift.

When I open the doors, there stand Hanji, Mike, Erwin, and Petra.

"RAVIOLI!" (I litterally love when Hanji calls Levi this xD) "MY BABY!" She runs up to me and hugs me. Hanji and Erwin got married about two months back, and we're on there honeymoon, so they haven't been at school. Petra and Mike, otherwise, well, I have no idea why they are here with them.

"Hey, Levi! It's been getting close you your birthday, so we wanted to go ahead and give you your present!" Says Petra.

"You guys didn't have to. I wouldn't been fine."

"Really, Levi, you deserve it! You've been doing great in your classes, and it's almost your birthday, as Petra said. We all pitched in to get you these, so they are yours!"

He hands me an envelope, and when I open it, I'm amazed.

"Two tickets to see Bring Me The Horizon Live!! Oh my god guys!" I hugged each and every one of them before reading more of the details.

Blah blah blah, December 14th. Today is December 2nd. I wonder who I'd go see it with...

"You should get back to work. Don't want you getting in trouble, shortstack!" Says, of course, Hanji.

I don't get angry at her words, it's kind of our thing.

"Okay. Bye four eyes! As well as everyone else. Thank you."

I walk back to the cash register, In a much better mood, pulling on my apron.

Here comes the work.


My shift ends, I take off the apron and slip out the door. It's pitch black outside, I can barely see. I can't go the back way, there's no Street lights.

I call for a cab, and I step inside. I pull out 40 dollars, and ask him to take me to my dorm. I give him directions, and let him take me home.

The whole way home I stared out the window. My elated mood had not faded, and I had decided who I was going to take to the concert with me.

Riding home was quicker than I thought. I stepped out of the car, and walked down the unusually large parking lot. It was almost empty, only a few cars. It was Friday night, so people wouldn't be staying here.

I open my door and step inside, sliding off my hoodie and t-shirt. I throw them into the laundry basket. I decide to make something to eat.

I throw a sandwich together, and slowly eat it on my way to grab my laptop.

I sit down on the couch and set the laptop onto my lap.

I log into Facebook, and instantly search up Eren.

I see his account, and I click 'add friend'. I click the button to massage him, and I open the chat.

Hey, Eren. It's Levi. Today I got two tickets to a concert. I don't know if you know the band, but it's Bring Me The Horizon. I don't have anyone to go with, and I was wondering if you'd wanna go. We don't know eachother well anyways, maybe we could get to know more about eachother. Anyways, I'll leave you be. Text me back as soon as possible? Bye, Eren.

I click send, and open a new tab. Time to study for the test Monday.


Over one thousand words! It's been a while since I've done that. I'm going to pre write the chapters though, so I don't have to rush myself. It's kinda difficult :')

Untill next time ;p


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