Chapter 20

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Finally calming myself after what seemed like ten whole minutes of laughter. I look down at Ashton whose poor butt was stuck in the bucket and the very awkward position he was in cause of his immense height. With my help he manages to stand in a crouching position. I move behind him and try to pry out the bucket, but to no avail. It was stuck too tight.

"Do you like do squats everyday or something? Why is it so huge?" I ask.

"It isn't huge!" He exclaims in shock.

"Okay not huge but it's damn fine. I mean it's no David Beckham booty but it's still fine."

"If you're done admiring my booty, could you get me out of this?"

"Let's see." I grab the bucket's handle and pull with all my might. The bucket dislodged itself but the impact caused me to be thrown against the shelf. "Ouch." I say as I stand up and rub my butt.

"Are you fine? Let me take a look and see if you got hurt." Ashton says with genuine concern laced in his voice.

"You just need an excuse to look at my booty, don't you?" I joke, attempting to lighten the situation. He deadpans me and does not even bother to humor me. I turn around not bothering to bother about him anymore and peek out the closet to see if Stalin was still on the prowl. Yes I just compared him to a wild cat, cause if he spots you he'll come after you until you're caught. Confirming that he was no where in sight I silently beckon to my partner in crime and walk out, cautiously.

"We should probably be quiet but I hate silence, it nags me." I say, attempting to drown out the silence.

"Because the voices in your head start talking?" He asks.

"No they get louder and they're telling me to kill you right now."

"You'll get into trouble." He mocks. Not even believing for a second that I could possibly murder him. He doesn't know my secret skills. I could be an assassin for all he knows, like Mary.

"I watch How To Get Away With Murder and I'm very charming so it works both ways."

"Yeah a tv show is gonna educate you on murder." Ashton mocks as he playfully pushes me. I push him back and before you know it, we were running down the hallway pushing each other. Forgetting all about the tiger on the prowl.

"Who's there?" Someone whose voice sounds very similar to Stalin calls out.

"Oh shit." We run and quickly rush to the cafeteria. We pause to catch out breath, our chests heaving up and down trying to retain the oxygen in our lungs, hearts slowly coming to its normal pace. We look at each other and burst out laughing.

"That was close." Ashton states.

"No shit Sherlock." I smirk and walk towards the kitchen. Our cafeteria was not like all other cafeterias, it was more of a Hogwarts set up. I'm kidding, though I wish it was. But we still had a damn decent cafeteria. It had tables place in neat rows, an opening to the garden where there were benches placed. We had a long wooden table where they served food and behind it, a door leading to the kitchen. And the only reason I'm describing out cafeteria in such detail is because, cafeteria is the most important room in a school and becomes a very essential place for the likes of me.

"Where are you going? What's back there?" The poor new kid inquires. He has no idea about this safe haven at the back. I put my finger to my lips and narrow my eyes at him. We could not afford to get caught right before attaining the goal, after is fine. With steady steps I walk into the kitchen, hoping no one was there.

"Looking for something young lady?" A voice asks. I freeze, not daring to move or look up. I don't know what the point of doing so is, but I just do that. The voice spoke again, "Are you going to give me an answer or not?"

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I slowly look up to see the smiling face of Mrs. Buffay. Her round, chubby face holding a smile and her eyes twinkling in delight. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I gasp as my hands go to my chest.

"Well with your behavior, a slight heart attack is good. Your antics will never change would they? Sneaking in here for food." She shakes her head in mock disappointment.

"Don't bother with your act. Now can we skip to the part where you give me your awesomely delicious goodies?" I ask, rubbing my hands together in delight.

"Malia? Did you run out on me?" Ashton asks poking his head through the door, disrupting my union. Relief fills his features once his eyes land on me, which only lasted for a few seconds. Because, the minute his eyes land on Mrs. Buffay, they go wide and fear fills his features. I turn to Mrs. Buffay and wink at her. She gives me a sly smile before turning her head towards Ashton, hands on her hips.

"Young man, what do you think you're doing in my kitchen? During class hours that too. I was just giving this young lady a piece of my mind when you saunter in. Do you not have the slightest respect for authority? I'm gonna have to report you to the principal and I don't want this to repeated again." She says sternly.

Ashton looked like he was going to cry. Okay I'm kidding, he looked slightly fazed but there wasn't much reaction. He turns to me and asks me, "So you're in trouble too?"

I look at him with narrowed eyes, something is very suspicious. "Yes." I drag, unsure of where this was going.

"So then why are you smiling like a maniac? People in trouble don't smile."

"Well the boy has brains. He's also kinda cute." She then looks between the two of us. "You two came here together didn't you? Awww, partners in crime and life. Isn't that so cute?" She gushes.

"There's nothing of the sort. Now give me my goodies." I demand. I'm a very cranky hungry person.

"You better make sure she's fed and full otherwise she'll turn into a very angry gorilla, destroying anything in her way." She warns Ashton. I ignore the gorilla comment and concentrate on getting my food. I cough letting Mrs. Buffay know that I'm still waiting. "Oh dear, you're very impatient today." She walks to the shelf and hands me a bag. A delicious smell wafts up as I open the bag.

"Cookies and tarts! Yay, my absolute favorite. Thanks Mrs. Buffay." I shriek in excitement as I hug her.

"Today?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah, she's here everyday around this time. At first I used to think she wasn't fed properly at home but I later got to know that she eats enough for two people in the morning and is still hungry at the end of it. Though she hasn't been coming in the last few days."

"I'm a busy person." I say as I hop up on the counter munching a cookie. I slap away Ashton's hand as he tries to pick a tart from my bag.

"Mrs. Buffay, she isn't sharing. The scent of your goodies is very tantalizing, I'm tempted to murder for it."

"Suck up." I mutter.

"Malia, if you do not share. I will never bring you anything ever again."

Reluctantly I stretch the bag towards Ashton and take it away the minute his hand latches on to a tart.

"I'm positive I'll get into trouble for harnessing fugitives." Mrs. Buffay says as she shakes her head at my behaviour.

"We become fugitives if we get caught and catching me is impossible. I can't say much for bonehead here though." I say, as I gesture to Ashton who was busy munching on the tart he forcefully took from me. Taking others food should be illegal. If I was ruling this country, I'd give a minimum ten year sentence for this offence.

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