Angela's POV:
Katy's upset. She's in there crying her eyes out. I don't know where John went. He was so pissed when he left. I hope he comes back before the baby comes.
Katy: *crying* "Has he called?"
Angela: "No."
*Katy is in tears.*
Katy: "I thought he forgave me for the mistake. I really did."
Angela: "It's okay, honey. I'm gonna get him back here."
Katy: "How? He's not answering his phone."
Angela: "Well, I'll just send Shannon to look for him. Don't worry."
Katy: "Please. If he misses the birth of his baby, he'll regret it forever."
Angela: "Shannon! Get in here!"
Shannon: "What's going on?"
Angela: "John just left. You gotta go look for him."
Shannon: "He left?!? Well, why?"
Angela: "I'll explain later. Just please go find him."
Shannon: "Okay okay!"
Katy: "Thanks."
*Shannon gets into her car, and sets off to find John. She tries to call him. She keeps getting his voice mail.*
Shannon: "Fuck!"
*Her phone rings. It's Angela. She answers it.*
Shannon: "I haven't found him yet."
Angela: "Shannon, something went wrong with the baby. The doctors say that he's in a dangerous position. They need to do an emergency C-section."
Shannon: "Is Katy ok?"
Angela: "Her blood pressure is extremely high. She could go into shock any minute."
Shannon: "Oh god... Where the hell is John?"
Angela: "Please find him."
*Back at the hospital, Keith and Mary arrive. Angela meets them in the waiting room.*
Angela: "Mom! Dad!"
Keith: "Where's Katy?"
Angela: "She's in no condition to be seen right now. Her blood pressure is extremely high and they need to do a c-section."
Angela's POV:
Katy's life is on the line. Not to mention the baby's. John's gone to God knows where. This couldn't get any worse.

Choose Your Battles
FanfictionIn this story, Katy Perry is 35 years old and happily married to John Mayer. But now, after making a terrible mistake, she is hoping that she doesn't lose it all.