Bruno's p.o.v
Let me introduce my self in Peter Hernandez but you probably know me as the pop singer Bruno Mars.Most people know me to be a womanizer and others know me as their hero and some don't even know who I am but I'm gonna tell you a story about the love of my her name is Veronica she is the most Beautiful sweetest girl I've ever been with I love her to death but I don't think she loves me the same.Some people call me a straight up dumb ass because I love her because I've caught her in countless lies and she even cheated on me once but I just can't help it I love her and I'm the fool that's playing her sexy twisted game.I don't think I've ever slept with someone who's sex I love more than hers I mean come on it takes me to paradise. I have no idea what to do some people are telling me to break her heart the way she's doing mine and others are telling me to give this one a chance. What should I do?Veronica's p.o.v
Sup I'm the girl that Bruno's head over heels for I don't love him one bit all I need to do is get all the money I can out of him and them it's bye bye Bruno I can't even tell you how many guys I've slept with while I've been with him. He's such a fool I should've got out of this like Natalie did just take all his money and run away. He is such a shell of a man and I don't want to break his heart oh wait yea I do😏Bruno's p.o.v
"Phone convo"
Bruno:hey Phil what's up
Phil:nothing much and did u do it
Bruno:do what
Phil:break up with that she devil
Bruno:no and you know I can't it's just to hard
Phil:I don't care because it's going to be real hard when one day you end up taking a bullet for her when she doesn't love you
Bruno:okay fine I'm about tired of this "sigh" ill break up with her tonight
Phil:atta boy
Bruno:"crying" all right cya later man
Phil:alright stay strong my brotha"Phone convo ended"
Bruno's p.o.v
When I saw Veronica walk in I motioned her to come and sit down next to me she came and sat next to me
I hated this so much so I just came out and said it to get it over with and cry the rest of the day out.
Veronica-yes babe
Bruno-it's over
Veronica-what do you mean
Bruno-you heard me get your suff and go
Veronica-Fuck you I hope you burn in hell just like Natalie yeah that's right I know you had her killed
Bruno-please don't bring her up
Veronica-Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie you killed Natalie she's in hell now because of you
Bruno-(screaming) no she's in hell because she's just like you a heart less bitch.Just get out NOW
Veronica-what ever guess ill cya In hell
Bruno:shut the fuck up and get your whore-ass off my property
Veronica-bye jackass(shooting a bird)
"Veronica walked out the door"
"Phone convo"
Bruno-hey man I did it it hurts a lot but I'm glad she's gone
Phil-I knew you would come through
Bruno-yeah I'll cya tomorrow in the studio
Phil-alright cya then
Bruno-peace playboy

Bruno Mars Grenade Girl
FanfictionAfter Veronica destroys Bruno's life will he get over it and move on or will he end up torn to pieces read to find out❤️