February 19, 2020
Dear Rory,
Hi, I just got your letter. You'll probably be receiving mine about now too. I hope you aren't too freaked out. I know you will be writing back to me with what you think but I want you to know that I've made my decision. I'm going to keep the baby. I've never wanted or imagined myself being a mother but I guess "everything happens for a reason" right? And if you decide you want no part in the kid's life that's fine by me. I would ask that you be open to the kid knowing about you and maybe reaching out to you some day, but if you don't want to be a part of their every day life, please don't feel like you have to. I make enough money to do this myself and can work from home so I'll be okay.
Our newspapers are saying the subway in London was bombed and that the riots were started by Islamic extremists. Is that not what happened? I hope you're staying away. Maybe just use Uber.
Grocery stores are starting to run out of food. I guess the warehouses are starting to empty of foreign product and being spring, there isn't as much being grown in the country. Trump has asked Kelloggs to reopen 15 factories throughout the US to manufacture food here. I guess a lot of the boxes and some of the foods come from outside the US so supplies are running low. They're doing the same thing with a number of manufacturers. They think it will take until the fall before they are up and running. Don't you think it's concerning that they're planning so far ahead? Shouldn't we have the borders opened by then? They're also saying in the papers that everyone is going to have to start to ration food since so much of it came from abroad. People are starting to hoard. You go into grocery stores and people are clearing shelves into their grocery carts. I saw a woman yesterday who had three carts full of canned food. The price of food is also going way up. I would say on average the prices have doubled. If this goes on much longer, especially if we get to the point where it's all being produced in the US, I'm not sure how a lot of people are going to afford to eat! I know this will sound crazy but I bought a box of baby formula, just in case. I'm already a crazy mother.
I await your response to my last letter.

Love Letters from the Near Future
RomanceWhile Rory is home in London visiting his sick mother, all internet, television, and telephones around the world stop working. Fearing terrorism, governments start locking down their borders. The only way to talk to Sarah in LA is by writing her let...