Bitter sweet

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Waking up, dark clouds in the once blue silly sky.. the sky that he loves.

All I eat is sweets, I'm getting fat, I'm always fat, why am I so ugly? Who can love such an ugly person?

"You're beautiful..."

I remember in my head what he said to me..

No. I'm not...

"You're so gorgeous..."


"I love you..."


"I'm so lucky to be with you.."


I lay in silence.

What's wrong with me? He is not here. It was just an illusion like before. A fake, All he said lies.. all lies.. all he ever said to me lies...

Walking is a burden. Breathing is a burden.. Being alive is a burden..

Why don't I just end this??

Flashes of his face pass through my mind.

What's wrong with me? All the time I do this? He didn't love me.. why do I still think about him???

I always think about him. I hate him so much.. But i still deeply love him..

I have to run, run away from him. I need to do something else so I don't have time to think about him.

Ill run and run until my legs give up, ill crawl until my arms die out, Ill breathe until I have no more air in my lungs...

And when I'm dead, the last thing ill think about is him..


Walking again i keep walking.

I don't know where I'm going. I'm getting shaky i just wanna fall and break my skull, maybe then ill still having emotions to feel anything.

I walk into someone along my path.

I lock eyes with him.

For moments which feel like eternity we stare at each other.

Staring turned into touching, we felt each other, holding him I felt his warmth.

In a long time I felt warm...


Walking again i keep walking with him hand in hand.

He smiles but I don't.

This time is different.

Very different.

I don't know what to think of him.

I can tell he loves me but for me..

A darkness hovers over me.

I look at him, kiss him, feel him. I try everything, just to keep "him" away from my heart again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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