BOOPIDEEBOPBOPBO!! I have edited this chapter as well, instead of what happened, they all GO TO SCHOOL!!! SWEET, RIGHT? :D So, please COMMENT if you want to let me know what you think if the new version! VOTE if you like the new version! And heck, COMMENT if you don't like it and want me to know! Xxx LOVE Y'ALL!
chapter three!
I looked myself over in the mirror, and decided that I needed to put my hair up. I mean, it was going quite static-y again, and that bothers me a lot. It sticks to your face, and neck and who wants that? Nobody! So I put my -now about 20 inch long- hair into a high pony tail, braided my outgrown carmel-colored bangs and pinned them to the side. My skinny jeans, that made my legs look longer then they are, and skater sneakers-which have bright pink and orange laces that I bought at DTOX- and my bright red baggy-but-tight tee shirt with 'You're looking too close" in small white writing made me look like I didn't really care all that much about what I looked like, while looking good at the same time.
My phone beeped, and I looked at the message.
-Hey you got a date to your party tonight?-
It was from Matt. Now, how to let him down gently?
-Not with you!-
I think I handled that quite well.
-Oh come on! We both know I'll rock your world if you go to the party with me! Best night of your life. Garunteed.-
He's too full of himself to be natural.. So I texted my best guy friend(besides Skye), Tegan.
-You! Are you at school? HE came back.. Sam's blowing up at him most likely. I'm hiding in my room. Wanna come over to help Sam see reason? I'm still in love with him for Christ's sake!-
He texted back instantly. -No problem, I'll come over. And I mean, what do you expect? Sam hates him the most.. She and your brother were the ones visiting you while you were admitted. Hannah was in college, remember? She hates him more than anybody..-
-That's true.. Almost here?- I replied.
-Five more minutes, Cam! It's still only 8, you crazy child! We have school in a half hour!-
-OK! Hurry up! I CAN HEAR THEM!- I replied to her, ending the conversation. If there's one person that can get Sam to cal down, it's Tegan.
"CAM!! I really think you should get down here! I'm afraid that Sam is going to kill me!!" Skye yelled.
"It's alright! Sam! Tegan is on his way over! Be prepared to be scolded!" I yelled down, those two never got along anyways.. Why would they after two years?
"SAM! Put the knife down! No! Oh come on! We used to be so close! Okay, yes, I know! She forgave me! Yes, yes. Mhm, she did. Quite loud actually. Yeah, and I do have a headache! Thank you Sam!" I heard Skye yelling. Sam did well to keep it down.
I grabbed my bookbag- a purple and black Jack Skellington messenger bag- and went downstairs, from the frying pan, into the fire.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
There's Tegan.
I opened the door, "Hey Tegan!"
"Where is she, Cam?" He asked me.
"Sam's in the kitchen. Yeah I don't know how either." I told her, after seeing the 'what are you thinking?' look in her eyes.
"Sam! It's Tegan. Now come here, I'll drive with you to school. Let's let Skye and Cam talk. I'm sure they need some alone time, together.
I'm sure she didn't know how true that statement was. We did need to talk. On the way to school seemed almost perfect.
"You've got that right, Tegan. Nice seein' ya. It's been a while. You grew up, mister." Skye said, noticing how he and Tegan were now the same height.
"Yes, yes. That's all fine and dandy! But I need to
get to school early! I mean, I have to give this paper in for courses.. And I need to get my university things from guidance!" Sam said impatiently. We're all graduating this year, so Sam, being as worried about school and grades as she is, got uni courses this year! I did too, in English and all my shop and acting classes.. Yes, both shop and acting.
"Alright, let's get going. See you both at school. Don't be too late." Tegan emphasised late, meaning she thought we'd.. Oh no, Skye and me? No way.. *sigh* I wish.
"Hey, you alright? You seem kind of stressed and comfused." Skye said, noticing my hand with a fistful of hair on the back of my head, which I do when I'm confused and/or stressed.
"Well, stressed yeah. I mean, c-come on. Y-you are- Skye, what are you doing?" I asked, getting nervous and stuttering. Which I do a lot, when I'm nervous, and Skye getting incredibly close to me, like I can smell his spicey-minty breath, and feel it cascading on my neck. He was reaching into my back pocket.. Okay, getting a little to friendly there, and pulling my keys out. What he did next really shocked me.
I felt weight on my lips, Skye's lips, my mind reminded me, not that I noticed. His breath was spicey, and his lips, felt like I was kissing a lit firework.
He kissed me. Not make-out or anything bad, but an innocent kiss on the lips. Though it didn't last long, the tingles and fireworks were still there.
He chuckled at my reaction, and put an arm around me, guiding me to my car.
"So y-you're driving me?" I asked, cursing myself in my head for stuttering again. I was just so shakey, did that really happen?
"Yes. Yes I am. I mean, what better way to arrive at school, then with the new hot mentor on your arm? And before you ask, I'm not teaching. But I did a little humanitarian work when I was with my parents, so I am going to give the grade twelves -all of them- a lecture today about how it changes your life. It should be a good time, and fun. As it is your final day, you're going to have an all-day assembly." Skye explained to me.
'Today is going to be quite a day.' I thought to myself, as we pulled into Skye's old -and never used when he left- parking spot. With all eyes already on us.