'I can't believe I fell for it. Actually thinking I was something special when he had other girls waiting for him in different places.' I had been walking for twenty minutes now, and it started pouring. It was pouring after I took off, so by now I was drenched in rain water. 'I don't care. All I can think about is how Brandon had a girl on top of him, and-' I shake the thought from my head. I was crying, but you couldn't tell because the rain washed then away, covering up the fact I was crying. I continued walking until I noticed a small figure in the distance under a small metal cover, I squinted my eyes and it was a kitten. I got closer, and I could hear it crying too. I bent down and slowly reached out to it, and it hid.
"Poor baby. I won't hurt you. I promise." It slowly came out, and suddenly i hear a loud crash and I jump. I hug my legs, and cover my ears. 'Damn thunder. I'm afraid. And alone.' I feel something gently touching my hand and it I lifted my head to see the kitten rubbing up against me, trying to comfort me. I didn't want to scare it so I just sat there. Then it started climbing up to my knees and it meowed at me. I smile and pick it up. "Thank you." I felt tired. I didn't care where I was I closed my eyes, and gently stokes the kittens until I fell asleep.
Brandon's POV
'Dammit where is she?' I drove around, and she was nowhere to be found. I felt like an idiot. But I have to find her. I pull over to the side, and on deserted highway, and slammed my fist against the wheel. I looked over, and saw a familiar face. I quickly got out of the car, and walked over to her. She was fast asleep. I picked her up, and carried her to the back seat, and gently laid her down. I reach towards her jacket, and she clenches it. Confused I moved her hands, and saw it. A small kitten sleeping soundly. Slowly it lifts its head up, and starts crying.
"Shh. Shh. Stop please." I pick it up, and bring it to the drivers seat with me, and I turn on the ignition. "You sly monster."
Taylor's POV
I open my eyes to a bright light, I could see a blanket wrapped around me, and next to me I saw Madison, sleeping on my shoulder.
"M-mads. Wake up." She groans, and looks at me, then suddenly.
"What is the matter with you sleeping out in the rain in the middle of nowhere. We were worried sick. You can't just do that okay?" I nod my head, and hug her.
"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." We both pull away, and she's crying. "Please stop crying."
"Its your fault. So deal with it." I laugh.
"So where are we?"
"Burton Animal Clinic." She says as she continues wiping off her tears. "He thought it would be a good idea to get him checked out before you took him home." Now I was confused.
"What?" She laughs at me.
"Brandon told me what happens, and he knows he made a mistake, and it wasn't what it looked like."
"Yeah right."
"Anyway he went looking for you, and found you on the side of the rode, he picked you up and put you in the back seat. He noticed you guarding your jacket and took a peek and saw a little ray of sunshine. Then he thought you might what to have him checked up before you took him home. And now here we are. And there he is. C'mere you cutie." She stands up, and I look to see Brandon standing there holding the kitten I found. I saw that his face was puffy, and he looked tired. I stand up, and walk over to them.
"Hey." There was tension.
"Taylor, I'm sorry. It wasn't what it looked like." I gently grabbed the kitten from him, and started petting it.
"Really?" I look at him for an answer. I could tell he was nervous. He nods. "I want the truth. The whole truth. First, who was she?"
We had taken Madison home, and we were parked outside my house. It seemed empty. More than usual. I couldn't think of anything to say. The kitten was fast asleep in my lap. I smile without realizing it.
"You always had a beautiful smile." My hearts starts beating faster. "Maybe we should hold off on talking."
"No." I didn't want to hold off anymore. All I wanted was the truth. "I need to know." I hear him sigh in defeat.
"Okay." We pull up to his place, and notice no one was home which was not unusual. "First, are you hungry? You have to be after sleeping out in the rain." I couldn't help, but feel embarrassed. "I'll take that as a yes." He laughs as he gets out, and my heart can't help, but flutter. I quickly try to follow him, and end up falling to the ground. I look a around, and he was already at the door. I sigh in relief before getting up. I made my way to the door next to Brandon. He looks at me, and could tell I was a tired, hungry wreck. I give him a weak, forced smile. He laughs again before we head inside. It was big, and empty as always, but it seemed more lonely this time.
"There you two are. We've been worried sick." We both see Madison, and Carson, both seeming furious.
"Madison we just dropped you off. How'd you hey here so fast?" She stopped mid sentence.
"W-well....I was worried, so I went to your house you weren't there, and I started to walk here, and I saw Carson, he had some slut hanging on his arm, so I decided to interrupt, and we both came here.
"Technically, you saved me. I tried to get that one off my back for weeks now. I should actually thank you, Mads." I could see her not paying attention to what he was saying and lost in thought.
"Mads.....why were you worried? And if you were why didn't you call me, or something. And why is it dark in here?" I say as I walk over to a nearby light switch.
"Oh." I hear Brandon say. I look at him confused, that's when it hit me.
"Oh." I agree.
"Ew gross." He laughs at me.
"What are you guys thinking?" They say in unison. They both look at each other confused. Brandon, and I started bursting with laughter, and Madison, and Carson stood there looking at us as if we were crazy, which only made us laugh harder. They look at each other, and finally realized what we meant.
"No way. Never not with her." She looks at him offended.
"Oh , you're not a panty dropper yourself." She snaps back. She then heads towards the door. "We are leaving, come on Sam!"
"Oh, but I nee-"
"Now." I nod, and look towards Brandon.
"I should probably go, she seems tough on the outside, but she's a softie, and sensitive on the inside." He nods. "Later then." I follow Madison's lead as she storms out the door. After a few moments we are at my house, and I take up enough courage to say something. "Mads, you know he didn't mean it that way, he's not used to being settled with one girl, especially if its my best friend, its not your fault he has no taste-" I quietly her sniffling. "Mads." She looks up, and I can see the hurt in her eyes as the tears escaped. "Oh Madison." She then starts sobbing, and all I can do now is hug her. "Come on. Lets go inside where its warm. You can cry all you want, and after we can talk if you want." She nods, and we go inside. 'Why do guys have to be oblivious idiots?'