Chapter 1

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Looks like trouble is starting. Look out World, the States are here!


America was running late for the World meeting because of some trouble at his home that was preventing him from leaving. Luckily the world meeting, meaning Everyone, was in DC this time so he wouldn't be extremely late. Bursting through the room he had to stop to catch his breath seeing as he ran up 3 floors from the only spot available the farthest from the building in the parking lot. "Sorry... sorry I'm late. I... I had a... a bit of a problem... leaving my place." he said between breaths before he was able to get to his seat. Once he had caught his breath and was seated he realized he was missing his briefcase. An annoyed sigh escaped from his mouth before he slammed his head into the table. "What the bloody Hell America?!" The bushy-eyebrowed Brit next to him exclaimed as everyone looked at America. "I forgot my papers by my front door," America mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear in the now silent room. A few nations looked at him with sympathy while others had varying degrees of annoyance.

Germany was about to speak when the sound of someone running close reached their ears. A moment later a teenage girl burst into the room holding a dark tan, leather briefcase. Her multicolored eyes scanned the faces in the room as she pushed her snow white hair out of her face. She made a sound as her gaze landed on America who had lifted his head when she entered. "Papa!" She called out to him as she approached, "You forgot this by the door." She smiled at him as she held up his bag.

Present time

"What the bloody Hell do you mean "Meet them all"? When did this all even happen? Why tell us now?" The white haired girl huffed as she shifted her weight to her left hip as she crossed her arms under her chest. A few of the more perverted nations took notice of the boost the already large chest received. Alfred noticed their gazes and glared at them letting a slight growl escape from him, those nations and a few others flinched as the girl moved her arms so they rested behind her instead. " *Ahem* Um, love, what is your name if I may ask." She looked over at him with a look that slightly resembled Norway's usual face. "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking for someone else's name?" "Oh, right. Where are my manners? I'm Arthur Kirkland, the personification of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or you can just call me England if you wish and you are?"

A soft sigh escaped from her mouth before she turned her body to him and folded her hands before her. "My name is Timber W. V-Jones, I'm the personification of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan but seeing as that is a mouthful just as your title, you can call me Yooper instead." "W-V?" "I technically have 2 last names hence V-Jones and my middle name starts with a W." "I see..." Arthur trailed off and after a moment of silence Alfred spoke up. "Right... Dudes so yeah, I decided that it was time for you all to meet my states and that is kind of the reason why I was late today. As to when... well they first started to show up with the 13 colonies." "And those 13 hold a grudge... I also have a bit of a grudge against the same person." Timber's voice hardened as she glared at Arthur.

"What did I do to you?" "When the English arrived in what is now Michigan, they sought to develop the land from the Natives. So I'm mad at you cause you let the beautiful forests to being destroyed." "What about the Bloody Frog!?" Arthur yelled at her. "The French were Fur Traders who traded with the Natives, very few lived in Michigan AND if they did, they lived WITH the Natives." Timber said harshly but calmly, "I'm gonna head back home. I promised Nicholas that we would go for a walk with my wolfs." Timber gave America a kiss on the cheek before quickly leaving. Alfred noticed that Russia was watching her as she left. "Russia, dude, stop watching my daughter." "Nicholas..." "No, stop. You stay the fuck away from him. You SOLD him to me and when I told her about him she took care of him and is very protective so stay away." America glared once again. Many of the others in the room grew very uncomfortable as they watched the young superpower glare darkly at the large northern nation. "We will see..."

"So America, how will the introductions be done?" Germany asked. "Well, I was thinking that you all could come over and stay for like a month so you could get to know everyone. The first few day would be for the actual introductions." "Und when would we be doing this?" "As soon as possible. That would give my kids less time to plan anything." "Aya, Plan what?" "Most likely revenge on Iggy." "Don't call me that you wanker!" Alfred frowned at Arthur before he sighed and opened his briefcase, "I should tell you some ground rules for when you do meet them,

1. Don't Insult me in any way... the walls have ears,

2. Don't take any cheese, Maple syrup or maple candy, Chocolate, or fudge without permission,

3. Don't anger Delaware, New York, The Michigan Twins, Florida or California,

4. Russia, stay the fuck away from Alaska. Timber will act like a mother bear if you go anywhere near him. He can really scream and Timber has extremely good hearing,

5. Don't mention any wars/ battles that happened here. For example The revolution or the Toledo war."

"The Toledo war?" China asked. "Don't ask. Oh and lastly, if you ever see wolfs go in the opposite direction. You really don't want to encounter them." Alfred said before he pulled out his papers to organize his notes. Everyone took after his example and for the first time ever the meeting was actually successful in getting some work done. "Now that we have finished let's discuss when we will be staying at America's to meet the States," Germany said when they finished with the World meeting. "Now America. When would be the best time?" "Um... within the week. The sooner, the better." "Would Wednesday work? Seeing as today is Monday that gives us the rest of today and tomorrow to talk with our bosses about this, to pack our bags and gives you enough time to deal with where everyone will sleep." Finland spoke out. Murmurs of agreement were made as America looked at him with a faint look that couldn't really be identified. "That works for me. If everyone agrees for Wednesday then try to be at my place for noon." Once everything was settled, everyone was dismissed.


America had just pulled to his front porch when the First 13 along with Yooper and Alaska showed up. "Hi, Papa. How was the meeting?" Yooper asked. "We actually got things done today. " "When will they be here?" Delaware asked. "Wednesday at noon." Nicholas leaned into one of Yooper's wolfs as he tried to hide from the idea. Yooper picked Alaska up to comfort him, "Come on Snow lets get you cleaned up and then we could have some hot chocolate." She smiled at him before she turned to go inside. Alfred watched as they left. Delaware looked at him, "What now?" "We prepare..." Alfred replied wearily.

AN~ What do you guys think of Timber's eyes? I think her eyes are absolutely beautiful. It actually took me a few hours to get the color right. Also, my more historical references are from what I remember from my Michigan history class from 3 years ago so it all may not be accurate.

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