"Oh thank god. Dami i don't know how you manage not to strangle that guy." Jason groaned. He remembered why he pranked the teachers now. They were fucking annoying.
"he wasn't that bad jay" Dick said but his statement was betrayed by a yawn.
" He speaks in monotone dick! Monotone!" Jason Snapped as the bat fam all walked out of Damians third class of the day. American literature. It had been a snooze fest that had even Bruce feeling the need to nod off.
"mommy that guy said a bad word!" The merida girl shrieked her three baby brothers gasping along with her.
The woman glared daggers at Jason." Watch your mouth young man" The lady said crossly gesturing to her two-faced childeren. She adjusted a wisp of her gray hair as she glared at jason as if he was a piece of gum on her heel.
"Go back to scotland if you can't handle a nickname"Jason snapped back at her.
"Why i never!" The lady responded turning around stoming off fuming like a dragon.
"Bye Bye Nessie! Say high to big foot for me!" Jason yelled.'uptight bitch' Jason thought.
"good riddance" Damian grinned. He couldn't stand that girl. She was a snob. It annoyed him greatly.
"Jason play nice, Damian still has to go here." Bruce ordered.
"wha-but she started it! Alfie?" Jason asked turning to the butler.
Alfred just gave him a glare.
"fine fine" Jason said ignoring his brothers snickers as he got scolded by bruce once again.
"where to next?" Tim asked curiously as he stretched cracking his back.
"Art" Damian said immediately taking Dick's hand beginning to pull him.
"whoa slow it down little d!" Dick requested as they were practically running.
"it's the only bearable thing in this entire institution. I refuse to be late because your dragging your feet" Damian responded. 'i can finally see if ellie's okay' he thought.
-with Camellia-
"borring! you'd think they'd have someone with a sense of humor in this joint. That guy was a snooze. You have my full permission o catch a few zz's in that one" The joker said arm around his princess as they walked out of Camellia's mathematics class.
"kidding kidding you have to keep being that perfect little student" THe joker smiled chuckling to himself as harley sent him a disapproving glance.
"well i don't think he was as bad as my college professor for psych. He was full on monotone" Harley said adjusting her purse with a smile eyes flicking calculatingly over at the other parents and students that roamed the hall dissecting them. All she could see was snobs and people to rob. The voices in her head making a little list. She zoned out as she listened to them.
then a lady with a white streak in her hair barreled into harley. Harley instinctively spun on her feet to ignore her fall. The other lady fell flat on her face along with her daughter her orange curls flying because her mother held tightly onto her hand.
"Watch it lady i'm walking here!" Harley said as she straightened her blouse.
the lady looked pointedly at the joker holding out her hand. The joker made a look of disgust. "Well what do you want me to do with that? not my fault you fell" The joker said before turning to harley ignoring the woman.
"you alright dear?" He questioned his hand going to her elbow in concern like a normal husband.
"mhhmm" She hummed with a smile.
"good good What do ya say we move onto the next cell block huh?" The joker asked Camellia. Who bit her lip as the red head glared at her as she stood up knocking Camellia's offered hand away almost in disgust. An action that Camellia was lucky the joker and Harley hadn't seen or noticed.
Camellia giggled and she smiled."This way Dad" Camellia said cheerily. She couldn't believe it. Her parents hadn't made a scene yet. No one had come up to her either which was good. Most of the girls whispered as she passed but they didn't bother her. After all she would be able to see dami soon. With all the parents here the devils weren't able to torment Camellia as she walked down the hall.
"lead the way baby bud! We'll be right behind you!" Harley chimed pushing the small of her back forwards
"Something wrong?" The joker asked her a fake eyebrow raising.
"Not a thing J. Just soaking in the glare" Harley whispered referring to the woman still laying shocked on the floor watching them walk away.
"well what are you just laying down for woman? Your not even in heels! cmon get up getup!" The joker said as e turned to the woman who was growing red with rage.
"what are you looking at me for? Not every person has to be a gentleman" The joker said as the womens face now matched her daughters hair.
"in fact i would say it would have been sexist for me to help you up. So i'm doin you a favor. Looks like you have a bit of a sun burn I'd use some aloe on that" The joker said the womans eyes narrowed into slits as she got up off the floor.
"why i never!" The woman declared marching off.
"upity schmuck" The joker grumbled as he walked briskly to catch up with the two females who were almost at the end of the hall by now.
-back with damian-
"oh damian my star!" A french woman said as she raced across the room to greet damian.
"hello miss pritcheret" Damian nodded.
"Oh this must be your family. Mr. Wayne you should be so proud. He is such the artist! A budding Picasso i'd say!" The teacher gushed and damian hurried off to his seat prpping his feet prposefully on Camelia's chair so one of his idot brothers wouldn't end up stealing it.
"Holy shit dick! Look at these!" Jason said as he caugh sight of the art on the wall. There were multiple paintings done by the youngest wayne and they were more than incredible. The first painting was off blood haven. A bird was perched on what dick recognized to be his balcony. The birds brown feathers were transforming from brown and red on the body to a sleek blue and black. It's eyes were bright blue alight with hope. In the picture next to it there was another bird. This bird had it's head soaked red. As if paint was splashed onto it's head. A puddle of wet red liquid at it's feet looking eerily like blood. A blood red moon shining above in the more dark and gloomy section of gotham. The bird wore an aviator jacket identical to the one the human version had on. It's eyes were blue but in this one was alertness and protection. In the third painting there was a Robin perched upon a desk beak inside a can of an energy drink. It's eyes twinkling with wisdom.
The next psinting was of a bat perched on top of a building the previous robins all hidden in windows of some kind.
The second to last picture was of a wise jack rabbit wearing a monacle. Alfred's signature feather duster in it's paw. It gazed outward from the page in the usual berating alfred way because it was sweeping up a smashed vase.
Finally perhaps the best picture of all was the last picture. The bat was in the center it's wings stretched out covering the robins that circled around a nest. The eldest had it's eyes glued to the nest in happiness but was still on high alert. The one soaked in red was on the furthest edge partially turned from it's breatheren glaring out at the expanse of shadows. On the other side of him was the third robin attempting but failing to look away. The jack rabbit peered over the top of the bat's wing in interest. For in the center of the nest was a baby bird. The shell still on it's head and egg surrounding it's body. It's bright green eyes were glaring.
"Tt. What are you gawking at?" Damian questioned his brothers.
"Dami these are.....Amazing" Dick grinned.
Damian rolled his eyes. But inwardly beamed at the praise.
"I'm stealing these" Jason announced.
"No they're going on the fridge!" Dick protested.
"They can go on the fridge at my place"
"No they stay at the manor" dick argued.
"I say we burn them" Tim shrugged.
"No!" Both of the elder boys snapped.
"I dare say! Why am I a jack rabbit!?"Alfred questioned.
Damian shrugged in response. His eyes glued to the door. What was taking her so long?
"You know I kinda see it" Jason said as Alfred stood next to the picture. He glared matching the bunny perfectly.
"Well wherever we put em Good job little d" Dick praised.
"Tt." Damian responded. Then he perked up slightly. Camellia walked into the room. It was comical watching the teacher squeal in Bruce's face and run over to greet Camellia's parents.
"Camellia my Star!" The teacher squealed.
"Oh you must be Camellia's parents! She is such a budding flower! So artistic! So imaginative! She best girl in the class!" The teacher gushed.
"And you like this class?" Tim questioned Damian scratching his head.
"Cease talking Drake." Damian ordered as Camellia tip toed away from her parents and over to Damian. He moved his feet and she sat down in her seat. The two locked eyes......
And that's the end for this one! Who wants a part 3!? Request comment! You know the drill! How do you think the bat brothers will react to camellia? What will happen when the disguised joker meets Bruce Wayne?