School. Today was the first day that I started classes at this new school. I really didn't want to go, not after my last school. Thankfully, Pj and I can do this together. Plus I had Phil. I sat on a bench, just round the corner from my first class, waiting for Pj. We shared some classes together as we both chose drama and english but sadly I would have to face some alone. I had forgotten to ask Phil what classes he had but I guess I would find out soon.
"Hey!" I looked up.
"Hey Peej! You ready for this?" He laughed.
"Not in the slightest but let's get it over with!" We walked together, both scared of what we would face. The building we entered was fairly modern, unlike the rest of what I had seen. It must have been built recently. Posters lined the pale walls- probably trying to make it look more inviting. Students streamed past us as we wandered through. I reckoned we looked very bewildered but I was mainly concentrating on not freaking out. Running out in my first 5 minutes was not what I needed. I did not want to be the school freak here too! I felt Pj reach for my arm to reassure me as I focused on keeping my breathing slow. I can do this, I thought to myself. I had Pj here to help but all I could think about was having Phil here to help me. It was a shame that he was nowhere to be found, maybe we were in different classes.
We found our form room and made our way to the seats at the back. Some students were already sat ready but more were coming in as we were. They didn't seem to be paying any attention to us which was definitely good. Just then Phil walked in. I looked up and waved timidly. He looked straight at me and hesitated. He then looked away, as if he hadn't seen me and sat down near the front of the class, seemingly all alone. I began to wonder why he had ignored me. Had I done something. A young man then entered the room. I assumed he was the teacher from his clothes. He seemed friendly.
"Morning Class! I hope you had a good summer off!" he was greeted by several groans and mumbles.
" In case you hadn't noticed already, we have two new pupils joining us this year; Dan and Pj." The whole class turned to look at us, well except from Phil. I could feel myself going red under all the stares and thankfully the teacher continued with what he was saying.
" So I hope you will help them with any questions they might have. Anyways, let's get on with this morning's bulletin." I stopped listening to look at Peej. He flashed me a reassuring smile. Where would I be without him.
The rest of my lessons passed without an issue and I just tried to keep my head down, not wanting to draw attention to myself. It would not be good to be the centre of attention on my first day here. It was now lunch time, the time I both looked forward too and feared. I headed to where Pj and I had agreed to meet. I arrived before him and pulled out my phone to check my twitter.
" Hey! Let's get some food i'm starving." Pj and I both shared a love for food. We headed to the canteen, wondering what it would be like. The noise was daunting as we entered as the other teens yelled and shouted to their friends over lunches forgotten after being away for weeks. A queue appeared to snake round the edge of the hall and we joined the back of it, just as Chris came over. He walked over to Peej and greeted him with a casual hug. Why could he be like that when Phil had completely blanked me all morning. I had shared one other class with so far and he hadn't even looked at me. Clearly it was just my stupid self getting my hopes up. He had just been pretending to be my friend this weekend. I was too much of an ugly loser to be friends with a guy like him. He must have felt sorry for me.
We got lunch and began to head over to a empty table together with our trays. I walked past a table, where I noticed He was sat. I urged myself not to say anything.
" Hey Phil!" Damn. Me and my stupid mouth. Once again he ignored me and continued to chat to his friends. I held onto what little bravery I had left and continued to walk, trying not to cry. I knew I was being silly but it still hurt me. A man I had know for a mere few days was making me feel all sorts of crazy things. Just as I thought I was clear, a foot stuck out of nowhere and I tripped over it. Its as if it happened in slow motion, well at least it did to me, as I went down and my tray followed- on top of me. I landed with a clatter, thankfully nothing hurt but my already small pride. I sat on the floor and turned bright red as the chorus of laughter enshrouded my body. Wishing the ground would swallow me whole, I willed myself not to cry.
Sorry this chapter is later than normal but I struggled with writing this
Anyway let me know what you think as always!!!
@ _instaphan._

Hair and Glasses
FanfictionDan and Phil share a room together in boarding school but will they got along?