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Monday, December 16, 2005
3:24 p.m.

Tyler raced out of the school building quickly. He waited on the front steps of the building, waiting for Patrick to drive up. Since both josh and Pete got suspended, Patrick was gonna drop Tyler off.

Patrick pulled up and Tyler jogged down the steps. He got in the passenger seat and smiled at Patrick, "Hey, Patrick. Thanks for the ride."

Patrick smiled back, "It's no problem, Tyler."

The road was pretty quiet on the way back. It wasn't an awkward quiet, but it wasn't a comfortable quiet. It was just...quiet. Before Tyler knew it, Patrick pulled in front of Tyler's house. Patrick turned to Tyler and waved, "bye, Tyler. Say hi to Josh, will ya?"

Tyler wave back as he got out, "I will. Bye, Patrick." Tyler jogged up the steps of Josh's house and knocked on the door. Within a few seconds, Mr. Dun answered the door. Tyler smiled shyly, "H-hi, Mr. Dun."

Tyler was honestly nervous around Josh's dad. He was pretty intimidating and Tyler had only had one encounter with him. Mr. Dun furrowed his eyebrows, "Tyler, right? The one that plays basketball?" Tyler nodded, feeling more timid than usual.

Luckily, Laura came to the door and smiled, "Tyler! Oh, William, stop being so unwelcoming. Let the poor boy in."

Mr. Dun stepped aside and Tyler slowly stepped in. Laura engulfed him in a hug and Tyler hugged back. Laura pulled away and sighed, "Josh, is just finishing up his room. I'm making some brownies, if you want to wait in the living room?"

Tyler nodded before taking his shoes off and heading into the living room. Laura placed a hand on Williams shoulder once Tyler was in the living room, "Why don't you go get to know the boy. He's such an angle."

William slumped his shoulders, "I don't know."

Laura scowled, "Now, your gonna go in there and talk to Tyler. I bet by the end of the night your gonna love him."

William rolled his eyes before walking into the living room. Tyler was sitting on the couch tapping his finger idly against the armrest. William sat down on the other couch and cleared his throat. Tyler jumped slightly and looked at Mr. Dun.

The two stared at each other awkwardly, until Mr. Dun broke it, "So...Tyler, how do you like school."

Tyler bounced his knee nervously, "Um, good. I really enjoy history."

Mr. Dun nodded, "Very nice. Um, so, Josh said you played instruments?"

Tyler nodded, "Ukulele and piano."

Mr. Dun nodded again, "Interesting combination."

Tyler smiled, "It really is. I've been working on this recent song. I think it's going well."

Mr. Dun smile at Tyler's sudden excitement, "You must really like music." Tyler nodded his head in agreement. Mr. Dun leaned back, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tyler tensed and gulped hard, "Um, well...actually."

Mr. Dun raised an eyebrow, "Are you ok, Tyler?"

Tyler looked at his lap and muttered, "Um, I'm actually...gay."

Mr. Dun nodded with understanding, "Ah, I see. No shame in that." Tyler sighed with relief and relaxed a bit.

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