Wattpad IS Broken

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Wattpad IS broken, and we will tell you why.

Last night, a hate account was made against two users. They called them "b*tches", told them to kill themselves, and that they wouldn't go away until this was done.

Even with countless amounts of reports pouring in for this girl and her book, the account was not taken down until this morning.

Lily's Rant Book, where all she did was post screenshots of the conversation, was taken down about an hour after being posted.

THIS is why Wattpad is broken. How does a HATE account, made specifically to spread hate and harass people, stay up for almost a day when a book with screenshots calling out bullies gets taken down in a fraction of that time? How does that violate Wattpad's guidelines more than a hate account?

This is what we are fighting to change, this is what needs to be fixed. Wattpad's policies need to change, and they need to get their priorities straight. Before one of us gets killed, or worse, expelled. (I had to).

And so Renegades, there is much work to be done.

With Love,
- Admins

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