Xavier Sterling 6:00 a.m.
She didn't answer my calls last night and she didn't show up at my house. That means she went on her date and I have no clue with whom. Did she kiss him? sleep with him? Flirt with him? Touch him? My mind races with questions, the same ones that kept me up all night. I text her telling her to call me, I lost track on how many times I've sent the same damn message. I drain the rest of my coffee, my second pot. I now have the jitters as I wait as patiently as I possibly can to hear from her.
An hour later my phone rings. "You didn't meet me last night." I say, the anger in my voice evident.
"I told you I wasn't." She recalls.
Taking a deep breath to calm myself I continue. "But I told you to cancel."
"And you have no right to tell me what to do." She replies, simply.
"Who is he?" I question.
"Xavier, I'm not doing this with you. I am calling to talk about all the text and calls from you."
"Come see me." I urge, just wanting to talk to her face to face.
"Right now?"
"Please." I practically beg.
"Fine, I'm on my way." She says, ending the call.
I watch her drive up to the house when she walks to the door I notice how fresh she looks. Not like me who has been up for the last 24 hours. I open the door for her and she comes into the house hesitantly. I give her no time to react before I pull her to me, holding her waist tightly as I kiss her roughly. All the time away all the anger I felt when she left me, everything that happened I pour into this kiss. I moan, leaning into her and backing her against the wall. My fingers buried deeply in her hair, our kiss becoming more frantic.
When I feel her shove at my chest it doesn't even register for several seconds until she rips her mouth from mine, yelling, "Stop!"
I look down at her, her mouth wet, red and swollen. I want nothing more than to lose myself in her. "Stop?"
She nods, shyly looking at my chest making me want her even more. I tighten my hold on her head forcing her to look up at me. I can see she wants me, but fighting it. If I kissed her again, I doubt she'd stop me. I think about it as my head lowers towards hers. She shakes her head, I groan.
Giving her a soft peck on the lips, I hover just above her mouth. "You want to be with me."
"Doesn't mean I'll let myself." She replies, breathlessly.
I stand up straight, slowly moving away from her. "I should go." She says, turning towards the door. Before I can stop her she halts mid step. "Oh. Eva's, here."
I glance out the open door that was forgotten as I kissed Pip. Sure enough Eva is just climbing out of her black Mercedes SUV. "Hi!" She calls out happily. She greets Pip at the door hugging and kissing her cheek. "What a surprise to see you here. I was just stopping by to show Xavier the ultrasound pics and." She turns to me sympathetically. "I heard your mom is trying to redesign the whole place."
"Yes, she was out here yesterday." I confirm, annoyed.
"Well, have no fear. I've come to save you." She says, heroically.
"How are you going to do that?" I ask, tiredly.
"I picked a designer for you. He's meeting us here at 9. You're welcome."
"So, my mother overstepping into my affairs earns your compassion? However, you doing the same thing is deserving of a thank you?" I ask, sarcastically.
Pip covers her mouth, trying not to laugh. "Exactly." Eva answers, undeterred by her own hypocrisy.
"I was just leaving." Pip says, edging her way toward the door.
"Why?" Eva asks, curiously. You should stay. We need all the help we can get and I'm sure Xavier will likely kill me and the designer if you leave."
"I'm really not good with this kind of thing." I use as an excuse.
"Oh, stop. Its just your opinion, its not that hard." Eva, teases.
Knowing I don't have to do anything because Eva will do it for me, I smirk and watch the exchange between them. Pip wisely throws in the towel knowing that she can't be beat. "Great. We have some time. Piper, did you eat yet?" Eva, questions.
"Uh, no. Not yet."
"Xavier, Piper and I are starving. Be a dear and go get us something." She orders.
I look at Piper, who doesn't bother hiding her smile. "Coffee too, Please." She adds.
I too know when I'm beat. I pick up my keys from the entry room table and walk to my car.
Piper Keller
"Did I time that perfectly or what?" Eva shouts, laughing as she walks down the hall to the kitchen.
"You have no idea." I reply, following her.
"Oh, I got an idea. Judging by your hair and mouth I assume he jumped on you the moment you came in the door."
I nod. "That's exactly what happened."
"I'm surprised he'd risk that move so early. Especially, after how psychotic he's been acting."
I nod in agreement. After so many calls and emails I made sure Eva got in touch with Xavier. I didn't know if he was really having a hard time or what his deal was. I've never known him to act like this. After she called, she assured me that he was fine, merely pissed off about me on a date.
"Do you know how long it took for me to pry out of him that he was upset about you? I don't know why, but he closes up like a clam lately. He never does that."
"That is strange." I respond, not really knowing much about their relationship.
"How'd you two become so close? Your husband doesn't seem to like him."
She laughs. "He, doesn't like anyone. I used to work for him, for like a day before Ruxin made me quit."
"He made you quit?" I ask, shocked. She seems to be a strong woman that no man would dare tell what to do.
"He's a very jealous and possessive man. Kinda like your, Xavier."
"He's not my, Xavier" I correct, uncomfortably.
She chuckles, "You're a fool if you don't see it."
I look around the room, trying to think of something else to talk about when I blurt out, "How can I want him, but want to run away at the same time?" I ask, burying my face in my hands.
"You're terrified. It makes sense after what happened." She replies, understandingly.
I nod, I do feel scared and vulnerable. "What if I can't get past it?" I ask, thinking to myself for a few minutes. When I do look up I see the grin on Eva's face.