" I-I'm sorry s-sir" A trembling voice of a girl echoed at the empty hallway. Curiosity ate Jungkook, he peeped through the slightly open door to see who was there

" I know your grades are falling apart but if you want them to stay together then do something!! You're not in grade school anymore!! D~mn it!!" The "teacher" threw a few paper at the girl's body and Jungkook saw it all

" I'll d-do better" Tears started rolling down on the girl's soft cheeks

" You should!! Maybe your dumbness was the reason why your parents went abroad" Said the teacher that made the girl cry even more. Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, he barged in the room and went straight in front of the girl

" With all due respect Sir, but you didn't have to mention some personal stuff when you are talking to your student" Jungkook said

" Jungkook! What the hell are you doing here?!! Why aren't you in class?!!" The teacher sternly asked

" It's too early for the classes to start. I'm very sorry for talking back to you but I need to get her out of here, so see ya" Jungkook grabbed the girl's hand before walking out of the room

" Both of you!! Detention for the whole day!!" The teacher shouted but Jungkook kept on walking anyway

They both reached the school's field where the long benches are placed and they sat there but he didn't notice that their hands are still connected

" I didn't need your help" He looked at her

" Halla?! Wha-what? W-why?" He looked surprised seeing the girl in front of her was the same girl wearing her pajamas earlier

" I can handle that by myself" She tried holding back her tears to make her look tough but instead, she started sobbing quietly

" Stop crying" He said

" I hate it when girls cry over some stupid guy, whatever the reason is" He added

" You're not wearing your uniform" She changed the subject of the conversation

" Oh yeah, I asked Taehyung hyung to bring it for me" Jungkook said

" Don't tell anyone about what happened earlier" Halla said before standing up

" Wait! . . Where are you going??" Jungkook grabbed her hand before could she run away

" I'm going to my classroom duh. . . I thought you were smart" She said then she ran away

" Wait. . . We're both in detention right?" He said so himself

He shrugged the thought away then he head to his first class. Walking in the hallways silently, he somehow felt happy but he didn't know the reason why

" Yow Jungkook!! Where were you??" He looked up because he heard the voice of the one and only Kim Taehyung

" Hyung!! Where's my bag??" He asked

" It's in our room" Taehyung said walking closer to the younger one

They walked to their classroom together while playing around and telling each other some lame grandpa jokes

" Go change into your uniform" Taehyung said handing Jungkook's bag to him

" Thanks hyung, I won't be attending today's classes. I have detention for the whole day" Jungkook thanked his hyung before walking out of the room to head to the men's restroom to change his clothes

After changing, he walked out of the restroom wearing his slightly crumpled uniform. While walking to the detention room, he heard some lockers creaked, as if it was being punched ( gosh this bunny, always hearing some weird noises. Oh wait I forgot, that's what his long bunny ears are for ~ Author ♏)

He walked closer to where the sound was coming from and he saw a guy or should I say, a male student with a girl. The girl was pushed to the lockers harshly

" Yah!! You can't break up with me!!" The male student shouted at the girl

" I can!! I saw you cheating on me" The girl broke down into tears, hitting the guy's body weakly

" Fine. . . I didn't loved you anyway" The guy said, earning a stingy slap from the girl, but that's not the end, the boy grabbed the girl's arms harshly

" A-ahh!!" The girl groaned

" What's wrong with this school??" Jungkook mumbled to himself before walking to the fighting couple. . .

He ended up at the infirmary for having a slightly bruised eye

" Sometimes, you have to know that being too kind is quite a bad thing too" The school nurse said

" I'm okay ma'am, I need to go " He said before standing up from the bed

" At least take this ice pack" Said the nurse handing him the ice pack and he gladly took it. He walked to the detention room holding the ice pack against his bruised eye

" What happened to you??" He heard Halla's voice as soon as he walked inside the detention room. She may ask those kind of questions, but believe me she's not concerned

" I stopped a fight between a couple" Jungkook said proudly

" That's what you get for being a "hero" Jungkook" Halla said doing that quotation thing in the air

" I'm not a hero, but if you see me that way, then why not" Jungkook smiled then he walked to one of the tables in the room

" There are no heroes"


Because there is no such thing as CR😂

Okay, I became weirder

But I hope you like the first chapter


Don't forget, comments are free


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