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Jungkook's POV

( Yey❣ first POV 😁😁~ Author ♏)

" There are no heroes"

I heard what Halla thought that I didnt hear. I saw her rest her head on top of her table

" Do you believe that heroes are real??" I asked sitting at the chair beside her table

" No! They are not real. They are just characters made up by those creative people" She said before standing up to walk away from me

" Some of them are real" I said following her

" They are not real Jungkook!!" Halla shouted

" And don't follow me" She added then she walked to the table at the very back of the room and she sat there with her head resting on the table again. A smile was formed on my face because of the idea that my brain gave me

I walked silently to the table in front of her and I sat there quietly, staring at her resting head waiting for her to grabbed my hair and slap me real good. I leaned closer to her head, but quietly of course because I don't want to wake her up

" Stop staring at m---" She looked up and her eyes met mines

" So. . Why don't you believe in heroes??" I asked out of nowhere, not knowing what to say

" I. . . I just don't!" She flicked my forehead

" Wow. . That hurts" I said rubbing the part where she abused my precious forehead ( coconut head 🌴 ~ Author ♏)

" Tell me, please tell me. Maybe you're secretly inlove with Iron Man. . . It's okay, I can share Iron Man with you, but please don't tell my hyungs about it" I said smiling

" I don't like Iron Man!!" She kinda shouted

" Then just admit it, there are superheroes living with us" I said

" There are no ----"

" Yes, there are"

" No!"


" There are no superheroes in this damn world!! If there's a hero, just at least one hero. . My mom would still b----" Tears are threatening to fall from her eyes

" What's going on here?!!" I didn't care who talked because I was so focused on Halla

" Sorry Sir. Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom" She stood up and I followed her by my eyes until she got out of the room

" So what happened??" I heard a familiar voice

" Namjoon hyung!!" I shouted running to him

" Yah! I'm still your teacher" He said

" I know. . . But you're still my hyung" I whined

" So mind telling me what happened??" He said

" Oh nothing. . . It was my fault" I said walking to the nearest table

" What exactly happened??" He asked once again

" Nevdr mind what happened, maybe she's on her period" I said trying to change the topic of the conversation because I thought that it was personal for Halla

" I'm sorry for leaving like that earlier" I heard Halla's voice so I looked at her and I followed her with my eye as she walked to the very back of the room

" So. . Now that you're both here, shall we start?" Namjoon hyung said

" Sure" I nodded my head in agreement

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