Rhett sighed angrilly. "Honestly, man, I don't get why you think it's not a good idea. Everyone else does." Link ran his fingers through his hair and sat down on the couch. "Rhett, we do so many taste tests. It's always the same thing. We eat it, I gag a lot, I throw up. I want to think of something different for a change." "But that's what the people like!" Rhett yelled. "Rhett, don't raise your voice at me! I'm not your son! I'm you're friend." Rhett rolled his eyes. "I can raise my voice whenever and at whomever I want."
"Now, you're just being annoying." Rhett's anger grew at that. "And you think you aren't? Gosh man, why can't you just do what others want for a change? It's not all about you, it's for the mythical beasts." Link's eyes widened. "I know it's for the mythical beasts! Are you calling me selfish?!" Rhett smirked and nodded. "I am. You won't do what all the rest of us want to do. You're being a baby about this!" Link froze, he stared up at Rhett, anger clearly written all over his blood red face. He was holding it inside, ready to explode.
"If you care so much about what the others want, what they think, get yourself a new co-host. But respect him this time." Link grabbed his coat, his anger had melted into sadness. Then, he walked out, leaving Rhett standing there with an open mouth. Rhett looked out the window, he saw Link's figure disappearing in the distance as he ran. Rhett's heart sank.
Stepping out of the office, Rhett was met with the confused and worried faces of the crew. Stevie was the first to speak up. "Where is Link?" Rhett shook his head. "He quit." Rhett's voice was emotionless, his face blank. He walked back to their office, he looked at Link's desk, and a flood of memories, happy memories came back. Laughter, smiles, and every once in a while, the phrase, 'I love you like a brother.' Rhett stood up, he put on his coat and ran. He was going to bring Link back.
Tears blurred his vision as Link ran. He was in downtown LA, but he wanted to be secluded. He didn't know where he was going, but he needed to be alone. Link ran and ran and ran. He eventually came to a small wooded area by a creek. He stopped there, he had been running for so long, he definitely was lost. Link sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. A quiet sob escaped his lips as tears started falling. He sighed and closed his eyes. Link lied down on the dirt of the bank. He curled up and cried himself to sleep.
Rhett ran, his heart pounding so hard, it hurt. He grabbed his phone. He could look up where Link was with that find my phone thing, couldn't he? He had before. He was going to again. After a while, Rhett got it working. Link was about twenty minutes away. Rhett took off running. Heart pounding, legs aching, sweat collecting in small beads on his brow, Rhett continued to run. He got to where Link's phone was, and sure enough, Link was there too. In the distance, Rhett could see him. He looked scared and confused. Rhett walked over and sat down beside Link. Link was curled up, crying, no longer sleeping. It seemed he hadn't noticed Rhett was there yet.
Rhett placed a steady hand between Link's shoulder blades, and the younger man shot up, his eyes wide. "Rhett? Wh-what happened? Where are we? Why am I crying? I'm scared, brother. What is going on?" Rhett raised his eyebrows. "Link, you really have no idea?" Link shook his head. Rhett sighed and nodded. Link somehow forgot. He put an arm around Link's shoulders and side hugged him tightly. "Buddy, we got into a fight, a-and you quit. You walked out of the show, out of our career, out of our friendship..." Rhett closed his eyes and drew in a shaky breath. Link gasped and wrapped both arms around Rhett as his tears continued to fall. "No, Rhett, no. I didn't mean it. Don't cry. Please. You're my brother, and I love you as a brother. Please, don't you ever believe I could leave. I'm so sorry. So sorry."
Rhett rubbed Link's back and smiled a little, wiping away his tears with his other hand. "I love you too. As a brother. I can forgive you, and I do, but can you forgive me? I was the one that drove you to that choice, the one that caused all this.." Link hugged Rhett a little tighter. "Dude, I don't even care. Of course I forgive you. Our friendship will never die. C-can we go back to work? Please?" Rhett smiled a bit again and nodded. "Yeah, let's go, buddy. I'll treat you to lunch." Link smirked. "It's a deal!"
Both stood up and started walking back together as though nothing had ever happened.

Rhett and Link One Shots
Hayran KurguRandL one shots. I've had some short story ideas before, so why not make them into a book? Enjoy!