Chapter 12: Unfolded Past - 2

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Were's POV

It was yet another day of loneliness and misery. I walked ahead with no direction in mind. That was when I stumbled on a clearing. Wild flowers of different colours grew and the breeze which swept along, caressed me like affectionate touches of a loving mother.

It was rather soothing, so I decided to rest for a while. I sat down beside a tree and dozed off, only to be woken up by something. Getting annoyed, I pushed whatever it was roughly and stood up. Horror befell me. Infront of me wasn't something, but someone. A human.

And she saw me.

That fact itself panicked me. She glared at me with, annoyance perhaps. Her red hood, reminded me of blood. Without another glance, I tried to dash off. Unfortunately for me, panic and fear had paralysed part of me and thus, my movements were delayed.

"Hey!" She called out, grabbing my hand. Her touch felt repulsive and I snatched my arm away roughly.

"D-Don't you dare touch me!" I tried to sound fierce. She was nothing but a mere child, but still, the fear clung on heavily in my chest.

Then, I saw her eyes soften, "I'm sorry... Are you... Are you alright?" Her voice was laden with anxiety. No, it was false. This was a trap. It had to be. She took a step forward, her blue eyes widened with unwanted worry.

"Stay, stay back...!" I threateningly looked at her.

She didn't flinch. She didn't hesitate. But came forward with that look on her face. It was different from how the humans faced me before. It held emotions - feelings for a pitiable being as I. Neither hate, nor the desire of wanting me dead.

I felt terribly weak at my knees. I tried to deny what I saw in her eyes. I collapsed as her small hand touched my cheek. It wasn't as repulsive as before. It was warm. Unlike the coldness I lived through everyday.

"Are you in pain...? Can I... Can I help?" Such innocent eyes. Such innocent ways. I brushed my fingers on her hand against my cheek, all the bottled up feelings inside me from all these past months, let go in an instance.

Her kindness was no mistake. This was the fist time in months that I experienced such a feeling.

"A-Ah..!! Wh-what? What do I do...? Um... I-It's alright...!!" The girl panicked, probably because of my sudden outburst. That was hilarious, and I slightly laughed.

My laughter brought upon a huge smile to her face, "Hi! I'm Red! May I ask about those ears and that tail of yours? I've never seen anyone with tails before!"

I chuckled wiping away tears, "Were." Her childish innocence was the reason of my smile since months. That was more than enough reason for me to keep her precious. Nevertheless, this nagging feeling never left me.

"Aren't you afraid of me..? Because I'm different?"

She cocked her head to one side, "Why? Why would I be afraid?"

Confusion was overwritten all over her face, and I was shocked beyond words.

"Anyway! Let's play!" She squealed, taking a hold of my arm and ran about.

A warm feeling of happiness spread across my chest.

Since then, she usually came to that exact same clearing where we played together. I got to know a lot about her. Her love for animals. Her sense of equality and her kind ways... My desire to hold her precious grew day by day. I hoped it would go on like that for as long as we lived. I never imagined that a day would come when we were to part...

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