Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV

When Hana and I got home from the café we were shattered from a long day together, Hana especially. I had a feeling she would be jet lagged so it only made sense that she was this tired. She had both her arms wrapped around my arm, her head resting on my shoulder and from the lack of sleep her eyelids were falling and rising just like a butterfly with one wing.

I closed the front door behind us while Yoongi drove off to drop Dahyun at her Hotel or where ever she was staying. Yoongi has never, and I repeat NEVER, acted so...sweet. This girl has just mended the switch to Yoongi's soft side, the switch that has been off since before I met him.

I glanced down at Hana as I felt her head fall heavier on my shoulder and her arms loosen around mine. Her mouth was slightly open, her white teeth slightly showing and her eyes were gently closed. I looked at her quite cute expression before her head fell off my shoulder and I caught her crumbling body in my arms. I froze unsure of what to do with her unconscious body because it would be very awkward if she woke up in my arms.

A quiet and short snore made its way out of her mouth as her head fell back even more, revealing how deep in sleep she was. The moment I realised that she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, I decided to take her upstairs to her bedroom. I mean I wasn't just going to leave her to sleep on the cold tiles at the front door. I tucked one arm gently under the crook of her knee and my other arm secured around her back. Her head rolled to the side and leant against my chest as I lifted her off the ground. She slightly shorter than me and was quite a slim girl so she was weightless to me.

I walked her up the stair case and when we got to the top I readjusted my grip on her as her head moved and I noticed her eyes flutter. I froze hoping that she wouldn't wake up and thankfully her head just planted itself back against my chest and she was back to her sleeping self. I smiled at her calm facial expression and walked into her room.

I leant down and placed her body onto her bed, stealthily removing my arms from under her. I noticed that she still has her shoes on as I quickly but gently slid them off of her feet before removing her socks to reveal her petite feet.

I took the duvet off the bed and placed it on Hana's cold body, tucking it under her chin. She had a slight grin on her sleeping face which suggested that she was having pleasant dreams. At least someone can have peaceful sleep unlike me.

I couldn't help but smile at her face as I tucked her now ash brown hair behind her ear.

"Good night Hana." Was what I whispered before walking out of her room and shutting the door behind her. I was really thankful that Hana had moved into our house, but in two days she could be told to pack her bags and leave if Dahyun takes the job instead of Hana.

When I walked into my room I changed into my tracksuit pants and shirt, aka my pyjamas. When I landed on my bed all I couldn't think about was what would happen if Hana left us forever. That girl has grown special to me as if she were my precious little sister...or was it different to that?

I rolled around in my bed with the scenarios of losing Hana in my head. She may not remember me from previous encounters but the second I saw her all of the memories came flooding my brain, not good memories either, the memories that I had spent years of my life trying to forget flowed back from one person...Hana Sakura.

After a lot of nervous fidgeting and rolling around I ended up falling asleep leaving my mind to torture me with dreams.


Hana's POV

When I woke up this morning I could feel a strange pain in my lungs. It felt hard to breath like there was pressure on my rib cage, but then I realised that there was actually pressure on me. I open my eyes in surprise and noticed that the weight that was on me was Kim Taehyung.

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